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#genshin impact

Where to find Nilou materials in Genshin Impact?
Where to find Nilou materials in Genshin Impact?
Genshin Impact Nilou is a new type of ore that has been added to the game. It is obtained by mining in the Tihayu Temple of Genshin Impact. There are four types of Genshin Impact Nilou:...
Reach the top of Mausoleum of King Deshret in Genshin Impact
Reach the top of Mausoleum of King Deshret in Genshin Impact
The Mausoleum of King Deshret is located in Genshin Impact and the entrance fee is 100 Baht. It's said that there are two ways to get to the top of this place: either you take the stairs or...
Which is the best Nilou build in Genshin Impact?
Which is the best Nilou build in Genshin Impact?
Genshin Impact Nilou is one of the most powerful characters in the game. He has a lot of useful abilities that can be used to help your team, but his damage output is also very high. Ashe's...
Fontaine launch date in Genshin Impact
Fontaine launch date in Genshin Impact
Fontaine is a new font feature in Genshin Impact. It will be available in the upcoming update and features highly variable widths. Fontaine was developed by Genshin Impact's colleague,...
New characters coming to Genshin Impact
New characters coming to Genshin Impact
Scaramouche is the leader of a gang known as "The Wanderers." He has a scar on his face which makes him look like a pirate, but he doesn't really have any pirate-related skills....
Materials guide for Scaramouche Ascension in Genshin Impact
Materials guide for Scaramouche Ascension in Genshin Impact
  The Wanderer is a character in the Genshin Impact. He is the leader of the Wanderers and he has been working with the New World Order to create an army of super soldiers. The...
Genshin Impact Faruzan character leaks
Genshin Impact Faruzan character leaks
  Genshin Impact Faruzan is a new set of cards that were released by the game developer Tencent Games on the Chinese market. It was later released in other countries as well. The...
Genshin Impact 2.8 leaks
Genshin Impact 2.8 leaks
Now you can try Genshin Impact 2.8 before the official release with only $15/month for a software package that brings cross-language information retrieval, text mining and NLP to your...
Best Mobile games to play in 2022
Best Mobile games to play in 2022
  Earlier, no one thought that Gaming would be able to grow a lot in today's world. It was just seen as a timepass in the olden times but now it has been one of the emerging...