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Reach the top of Mausoleum of King Deshret in Genshin Impact

Reach the top of Mausoleum of King Deshret in Genshin Impact

Reach the top of Mausoleum of King Deshret in Genshin Impact

The Mausoleum of King Deshret is located in Genshin Impact and the entrance fee is 100 Baht. It's said that there are two ways to get to the top of this place: either you take the stairs or you use a cable car, which costs 500 Baht for one way. The cable car takes about 20 minutes and you can see some nice views from there. We chose the stairs because we don't want to spend money on something that we don't need. There are no signs telling you how many steps there are so when we got on top, we just followed our noses and ended up at a small square with some stairs leading down, where they also sold snacks and drinks.


If you go with someone else, I suggest buying two tickets: one ticket for each person because sometimes people decide to go back down without paying for another ticket, so it's better if you have more than one person's ticket ready in case something happens like that. The Mausoleum of King Deshret is one of the most important monuments in Genshin city. It has a nice view of the city, and it's also a good place to take pictures.


The steps leading up to the mausoleum are very steep, but they're not too long. If you're going up there on foot, you may want to bring some water with you because there isn't much shade at the top of the steps. Inside the mausoleum there's a small museum with photos and information about King Deshret and other famous people from Genshin city's history. There's also a small stone statue outside of the mausoleum that shows how he looked when he was alive.


Genshin Impact is a challenging and rewarding game that takes you on a journey across the desert. The world has been damaged by an unknown force and it's up to you to explore its ruins and find out what happened. You'll need to use your wits, resources, and ingenuity to solve puzzles and avoid traps along the way.


You can play this game alone or with friends over LAN or online. If you want to play with other people, there are two different types of multiplayer modes available: Co-op and Versus. In Co-op mode, one player controls the character while the other players control their own characters in separate rooms. Versus mode allows two teams of players each controlled by one player each; if both teams have no players left on their team, then whichever team loses first will be eliminated from the match and their teammate will win instead!


This is a new challenge that has been added to the game. In order to complete this challenge, you will need to complete all of the Genshin quests before you can attempt this one. The effects of this quest are very powerful and can be used by anyone who completes it. However, if you want to see what it does, check out our guide below.

When we first got our hands on this quest, we were excited at how powerful it was going to be. After completing everything we could find in order to get ready for this quest, we were ready for anything that would come our way. We knew that Genshin would be difficult but it didn't really prepare us for how hard it actually was! We had no idea how many steps there were or where they were located so we had no idea what was coming next.


Most people know of the Mausoleum of King Deshret of Ur as the "Mountain of Ancient Gods." It is located in the Sumeru Desert and can be reached by a long trek through the desert. However, most people do not realize that this is not the only location to reach it.


There is an easy path that leads straight to the top of the mausoleum. This path is not well known and only a few people have made it their goal when they want to climb up there. If you want to make this climb, then you will definitely want to read this guide.