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Which is the best Nilou build in Genshin Impact?

Which is the best Nilou build in Genshin Impact?

Which is the best Nilou build in Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact Nilou is one of the most powerful characters in the game. He has a lot of useful abilities that can be used to help your team, but his damage output is also very high. Ashe's ability to deal damage and provide crowd control is what makes him so great at dealing with opponents who are able to avoid your attacks or escape from them. You will want to focus on building up his talent tree so that you can unlock as many of his abilities as possible.


If you want to use Ashe's abilities effectively and consistently then it is important that you learn how to build him properly. This article will go over everything you need to know about how to build Ashe, as well as some helpful tips for playing him in different situations. Genshin is the new hero that will be hitting Garena servers in the near future. He is a melee DPS character with a focus on mobility and sustain. For this guide, I will be going over his build guides and what you should be focusing on for each talent tier.


The first thing you need to do is buy your artifact and set it up. You can purchase artifacts from the shop or by using gold. The first option is a bit more expensive but if you're buying an artifact for someone else then it's worth it! If you're planning on solo queuing then there's no need to worry about this as you can get by with just two artifacts but if you want to participate in ranked matches or join guilds then you'll need an artifact setup.

Once you have your artifact setup (and hopefully some gold left over!) head into mid lane and find a group of people willing to help out with Genshin's new talents!


Nilou’s build

First of all, the build is designed to be a hybrid between a full-blown Assassin and a Support champion. This means that you'll be able to get both AD and AP damage out of the build, which is pretty nice. The main focus with this build is to get as much damage as possible onto your opponents, but also to keep yourself alive at all times. The reason for this is that you need to be able to live long enough to take down your opponents with your abilities and then finish them off with your ultimate ability.


This means that you'll have some pretty high cooldowns, so it's not recommended to play aggressively without a lot of cooldown reduction items on you. It's also important not to forget about other teammates while playing Nilou because if one of them dies too often, then they won't be able to help out in teamfights anymore. So try not to die too much and always think about what your teammates need from you before doing anything else.

The Nilou build guide on Genshin Impact is one of the best that I have seen for this character. Here are some tips on how to use it:


1. Press D, then press X and Y at the same time to perform a downward slash with your sword.


2. Hold down X and Y again to charge up your attack and release as soon as you see the circle get big enough around you (not too early). This will cause your sword to become covered in flames which can be used to incinerate enemies or create fireballs.


3. To block, press B while blocking with LK/MK or HK/HP respectively (depending on whether you are playing as male or female). You can also block with LK+(B) or MK+(B), depending on whether you are playing as male or female respectively (if you want to block in different directions).


4. When knocked down, tap D twice quickly before getting up so that your character will get back up faster than if you were just waiting for him/herself to stand up from a knockdown sequence without tapping any buttons first!