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JGOD reveals his aim settings in Modern Warfare 2

JGOD reveals his aim settings in Modern Warfare 2

JGOD reveals his aim settings in Modern Warfare 2


One of the most requested features by Modern Warfare 2 fans is improved aim assist, which was first introduced in Call of Duty 4. The aim assist is absolutely vital for competitive players, who rely on it to be able to pull off headshots at long range. In Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, the aim assist was set to a maximum of 85%, which meant that if you were playing at medium range or closer, it was almost impossible to hit your target with an automatic weapon. This made it nearly impossible for people to compete in COD4MW2 tournaments because they would never get a chance to practice their skills against good players.


In Modern Warfare 2 however, JGOD has revealed that they have increased the amount of aim assist from 85% down to 75%. Now when you pull out your weapon and shoot someone in the head from afar, you can actually land a shot! The reason why we decided to do this instead of leaving it as default was due to our desire to make sure that everyone has an equal playing field when playing COD4MW2 online.


In Modern Warfare 2, the developers have changed the settings to make the aim assist better. The aim assist is a feature that helps players win in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It provides you with an easy way of aiming at enemies, which makes it easier for you to kill them.


There are two ways of using the aim assist: one is by pressing down on your controller and holding it down until you get a warning message saying that you are going to be eliminated if you do not stop pressing down on your controller. The other method is by pressing down on your controller and holding it down until you get a warning message saying that you are going to be eliminated if you do not stop pressing down on your controller.

The second method is much better than the first one because when you release your finger from pressing down on your controller, it automatically lowers itself back into neutral position and does not "stick" out anymore like in the first method. This makes it easier for players to use their mouse or keyboard as well as their thumbs.


Aim assist guide

In Modern Warfare 2, the aiming is pretty good. You can almost do it with one hand, which is not bad for a first-person shooter. However, there are some problems with aiming that you may not know about. For example, if you want to aim up or down, you need to hold down the left mouse button and move it in that direction. The same goes for aiming left or right (and also up and down). If you're playing on hardcore difficulty mode, this will get frustrating very quickly because enemies will shoot at you every time they see you moving around on the map.


That's why I recommend using aim assist in your video games if possible. It allows players to move their mouse without having to press any buttons on their keyboard or controller just by pressing one button on the mouse itself. The sensitivity can be adjusted depending on how accurate the player wants their aim to be.

In this video, JGOD discusses how to get the most out of aim assist. Aim assist is a feature in Modern Warfare 2 that helps you aim with your crosshair. It can be used to make it easier for you to shoot targets and also to help you play better.


If you want to use this feature, then you need to enable it in your settings menu. After that, all you have to do is press A to enable it, then go into single player mode and start playing until you die. Once you die, then press B again and select "Enable Aim Assist". Now whenever you shoot someone, your crosshair will automatically bounce back towards their body so you can hit them easily without having to move your mouse at all!