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Overwatch 2: Mastering Kiriko Easily

Overwatch 2: Mastering Kiriko Easily

Overwatch 2: Mastering Kiriko Easily


The first thing you need to know about Kiriko is that she can be very difficult to use. You can still get kills with her though, but it will take some time and practice. It's important to note that if you're playing against characters like Zarya or Ana, you won't be able to kill them as easily as other heroes. Kiriko is a support hero who can heal allies and deal damage to enemies with her staff. She also has two skills that make her an effective teammate: Healing Beam and Spark Shockwave.


Healing Beam is a beam of light that heals nearby allies over time. It's useful for healing tanks who are taking heavy damage from fire attacks, such as Mei's Ice Wall or Reinhardt's Earthshatter. The healing beam also heals teammates who have died in battle, so it's great for reviving teammates as well as helping them recover health after being injured by enemy fire attacks (such as McCree's Flashbang).

Spark Shockwave is an ability that deals damage to enemies around Kiriko while healing allies nearby at the same time. This makes it perfect for attacking enemy players while they're busy fighting each other or defending themselves from an enemy attack. In this guide, we will show you how to play as and against Kiriko.


Kiriko is a Support hero with a lot of mobility and a few decent offensive abilities. She can heal allies with her Orbs, fly through the air with Hover, or even resurrect dead teammates with Resurrect. Her ultimate ability, Energy Drain, allows her to steal health from enemies and restore it to her teammates Her main weakness is that she has very little armor and is weak against both single target damage (like Roadhog's Scrap Gun) and area damage (like D.Va's Fusion Cannons).


Dynamic Play Style

Kiriko, the ninja, is a character that has been around for quite some time. Since his release, he has always been one of my favorite characters to play with. However, there is one thing about Kiriko that I think needs to be changed. Kiriko requires a dynamic play style in Overwatch 2 to be effective. He can't just stick to one spot and spam his abilities like he did in Overwatch 1. His attacks need to be more fluid and varied so that he can keep up with the current metagame of Overwatch 2.


The Kiriko is a very unique hero in Overwatch 2 because it requires a dynamic play style. This can be difficult to master, but with some practice you'll be able to round up your teammates and take down the enemy team. The Kiriko has two skills that are important for any hero: Zen (a healing ability) and Shunpo (a movement ability). These abilities make it easier for Kiriko to stay alive and deal damage to enemies. The Kiriko also has a weapon called the kusarigama that can be used as an extra weapon or as a melee weapon.

In order to play well with this hero, you need to keep an eye on enemy heroes and where they are moving around the map. You also need to know when it's time to use Zen or Shunpo so that you're not wasting these abilities when they're not needed. Kiriko is a support hero who can be played in two ways. The first way is to play as a healer, using her ability to heal and her ultimate to protect her allies. The second way is to play as an aggressive damage dealer, using her high mobility to get close to the enemy team and deal massive amounts of damage.


The first thing you need to know about Kiriko is that she requires a dynamic play style. She has three abilities: her primary fire, which deals damage in an area around her; her healing beam; and her ultimate ability, which immobilizes enemies. You have to be constantly thinking about what you want to do with each of these abilities because they all have cooldowns (which means you can't spam them). You also have very little health when compared with most heroes, so it's important that you prioritize healing over damage dealing or tanking.


All of this makes playing Kiriko rewarding but also difficult at times because there's no telling what kind of situation you'll find yourself in when playing as Kiriko. She can take advantage of any situation presented by the enemy team and use her abilities wisely in order to get herself out of trouble or help out other members of your team survive longer than they otherwise would've been able to.