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All Zenyatta counters in Overwatch 2

All Zenyatta counters in Overwatch 2

All Zenyatta counters in Overwatch 2


Zenyatta is a hero that can be a pain to deal with in Overwatch. He has good mobility, and his skills are very versatile. If you don't know how to counter him, then you're likely going to be at a huge disadvantage. One of the best ways to counter Zenyatta is by using a Mei shield as soon as he enters your vision range. The shield will block all of his damage, but it won't do much against Winston's Tesla Cannon or Roadhog's hook. Zenyatta's movement abilities are also not affected by this shield, so he will still be able to move around while it is active.


Another way that you can counter Zenyatta is by using the Torbjorn turret when he tries to use his Orb of Discord ability on your team mates. The turret will attack Zenyatta, which will cause him to re-target the turret instead of using his ability on your teammates again. This can allow your team mates time to heal up before they're attacked again by Zenyatta's ultimate ability


The best way to counter Zenyatta is to keep your distance and avoid getting hit. Zenyatta can heal himself or others, so it's important to avoid getting into a close-range fight with him. You'll want to try and stay at a distance where you're not easy targets for his damage-boosting orbs, and also where you won't need to be healed by his health packs.

Zenyatta's ultimate ability, Transcendence, has a long cooldown time of 120 seconds, so if you see him use it on one of your teammates, there's no point in running in and attacking him since he'll just heal himself first. Instead, try and focus on killing the rest of his team first before going for Zenyatta himself.


If you do get caught up in a close-range fight with Zenyatta, try not to get hit by his healing orbs too often since they can restore a lot of health. Instead, focus on killing any other enemies around so that you don't have to worry about being healed themselves or having any damage dealt back at them through Zenyatta's orbs (which will deal more damage than they otherwise would).


All the counters

Zenyatta is a support hero who uses his abilities to heal allies, boost their damage, and enable them to make better use of their abilities. Zenyatta's main weapon is his rifle, which he can fire in many different ways. Each shot will be charged with energy, but it varies how much damage it does based on how much energy it has.


If you're looking for a hero who can help your team win fights and keep them alive, Zenyatta might be right for you. While he's slow to get started and requires some practice, Zenyatta can be very powerful if played Zenyatta is one of the most versatile characters in Overwatch. He has the ability to heal himself and others, as well as buff his teammates and debuff enemies. With his Discord Orb, he can turn the tide of battle with a single use.


Zenyatta's main weakness is that his self-healing is not quite as strong as other healers like Mercy or Lucio. This means that Zenyatta needs to be close enough to be healed by his teammates, which can make him vulnerable if he's not doing enough damage output on his own.


In addition to this, Zenyatta has no way of dealing damage except for using his Orbs or Transcendence ultimate ability, both of which have cooldowns and tend not to be used often enough for them to make much of an impact on the game well. Zenyatta is considered the "support" character in Overwatch. His abilities are designed to support his team, but he's also capable of taking down single targets with ease.

Zenyatta's primary weapon is a fusion rifle that can fire either rapid-fire rounds or slow-moving bullets. He is also equipped with a secondary weapon in his left hand, which fires energy orbs that seek out enemies and explode on impact. Zenyatta's ultimate ability allows him to heal himself or another teammate. It also allows him to ignore all damage from enemy fire for a short time, which is useful against high-HP heroes like Winston or Reinhardt.


Zenyatta does have some weaknesses though. His lack of mobility makes him susceptible to CC (Crowd Control) abilities like Winston's Tesla Cannon (E) or D.Va's Defense Matrix (R). Also, since Zenyatta has no self-healing abilities, he may find himself dead if he gets too close to an enemy Genji or Hanzo player who can quickly eliminate him with their Dragonblade/Scatter Arrow combo.