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How to get all Bonus Rewards in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4?

How to get all Bonus Rewards in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4?

How to get all Bonus Rewards in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4?


The Season 4 Fortnite Battle Pass has a lot of rewards in it, including season-exclusive skins and gliders. We’ve rounded up all the ones you can unlock right now, so check out our guide to see how it all works. The Season 3 Battle Pass gave players access to a free Battle Pass and all the cosmetics that came with it. But there were some extra bonuses as well:


A new loading screen featuring a map of Fortnite Island and an outline of your skin


A new icon for your backpack


A new menu theme for your home screen


All Bonus rewards in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4


The season 4 of Fortnite has ended and so did the Battle Pass. This is a good time to look at all the new rewards, including the Seasonal Battle Pass and all its rewards. In this article we will take a look at all the bonuses available in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4. We will also look at what you need to do to unlock them. In Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4, there are three different types of bonus rewards: Battle Pass, Battle Pass II and Season 6.

The Battle Pass is the standard one that you can get as long as you have the game on your Switch. It's a monthly subscription that gives you access to all of the skins, cosmetics and emotes in the game. You may also be able to earn some additional bonuses through certain challenges like reaching a certain level or completing specific challenges.


The Battle Pass II is an upgraded version of the original Battle Pass that includes additional content and more rewards than the first one. In addition to skins and emotes, it also offers XP Boosts, X-Gold keys and even rarer rewards like gliders or vehicles! Season 6 is also an upgraded version of the previous seasons' Battle Passes but with five tiers instead of three: Tier 1 (Free) - Tier 5 (Legendary). This means that each season has its own exclusive rewards that can only be obtained once per account.


Bonus Rewards

Fortnite Season 4 has come to an end, but we're not done yet! Here's a list of all the bonus rewards you can get in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4. You'll find every single bonus reward in the following list, along with how to unlock them.


Complete 10 challenges: You'll automatically get this as soon as you complete your first challenge, so don't worry about it!


Complete 50 challenges: This is pretty easy and shouldn't take too long. Just keep clearing out those challenges and you'll get there!

Complete 100 challenges: This one should take a little bit longer than the others, but it's definitely doable if you're willing to put some effort into it!


The Fortnite Season 4 Battle Pass comes with 100 tiers that unlock new rewards every week. If you want to earn everything from the Battle Pass, make sure to check out our guide on how to max out your Battle Pass here. There are a number of things that players can do to earn rewards in Fortnite: Battle Royale. Some of the rewards are earned through gameplay, while others are rewarded by completing certain tasks and goals.


Some rewards require you to complete specific challenges, while others require you to simply play the game in order to earn them. Here's a list of all of the rewards available in Season 4, including how to unlock them:


The following rewards have been added to Fortnite: Battle Royale with Season 4:


Contraband (Free) - Spawns in random locations across all maps. Once you find it, equip it and then hold down X or click on it again. This will make it stay permanently in your inventory for easy access when you want it. You can also select it from the main menu if you want to activate it without having to find it first. You can only hold one at a time though so be careful!


Powerful (Free) - Spawns in random locations across all maps. Once you find it, equip it and then hold down X or click on it again. This will make it stay permanently in your inventory.