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Modern Warfare 2 Launch trailer revealed many things

Modern Warfare 2 Launch trailer revealed many things

Modern Warfare 2 Launch trailer revealed many things

A new trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the sequel to the first-person shooter game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, has been released. The trailer offers players a glimpse at the game's new campaign mode and introduces some new characters. The trailer begins with a recap of the events in Modern Warfare 2's campaign mode, which will feature four player-controlled soldiers (two American, two Russian). These soldiers include:


Alexei "Lex" Legotova - A Russian officer who leads Task Force 141


Victor "Firebreak" Zakhaev - The brother of Vladimir Makarov, who commands Soviet forces in the first Modern Warfare. He is now working with Alexei Legotova on a mission to obtain information about Project Ten Bears.


General Shepherd - Former leader of Task Force 141 and current leader of Task Force 141 Alpha; he is seen talking to Meryl Silverburgh about their mission in Yemen.


The big reveal at the beginning of Modern Warfare 2's launch campaign is General Shepherd. It's no coincidence that he's back for this sequel: the story of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was heavily influenced by Shepherd's personal experiences during a decade-long tour in Iraq, and he was seen as an important symbol of the sacrifices made by soldiers on both sides of the conflict.

General Shepherd is also a key player in the game's story, which focuses on a group of Russian terrorists who have taken control of a nuclear facility in Kazakhstan. The Americans must infiltrate their stronghold and stop them from getting their hands on a WMD before they can use it against the United States. In Modern Warfare 2, the player takes on the role of a US Marine tasked with stopping the rogue Russian Intelligence officer Viktor Zakhaev and his elite forces from destroying New York City. To do this, the player has to use the full range of available weapons and equipment, including:


– The Assault Rifle – With its adjustable iron sights and high rate of fire, this weapon is ideal for close-quarters combat. It can also be used as a sniper rifle by using the scope attachment.


– The Shotgun – This pump-action shotgun is extremely effective at close range but has limited range.


– The RPG Launcher – This rocket launcher can fire multiple explosive rounds at once or single shots that explode on impact.


– The Sniper Rifle – This powerful long-range weapon has a high rate of fire and accurate targeting capabilities. It can also be used as an assault rifle if you attach an extended magazine.


Launch Trailer

In the first part of the Modern Warfare 2 launch trailer, we see players playing on a variety of different maps and environments. In the second part of the trailer, we see players in a battle with an enemy team. The player who is shown fighting has his back to the camera and is using a sniper rifle. He is wearing a black mask that covers his face, but it can be seen that he is wearing glasses. The player with the blue vest on can be seen running around with another player.

The third part of the trailer shows two players running through a field while being fired upon by an enemy team. This scene leads into another scene where two players are running through an old abandoned building while they are being fired upon by an enemy team member who is in front of them on top of a wall. The first Modern Warfare 2 gameplay trailer has been released and it's full of action.


The trailer shows off the new Call of Duty Elite social network, and also introduces us to what appears to be one of the new classes in the game: the Recon class. The Recon is a highly-mobile class that can jump higher than any other player and is equipped with a special melee attack called “Return Fire.” The Recon also gets one other special ability – he can take a shot and have his aim immediately corrected for headshots. Fans will be happy to learn that he's not alone – he'll have several teammates at his disposal who will help him out during combat situations.