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Things that no one noticed in Hogwarts Legacy gameplay reveals.

Things that no one noticed in Hogwarts Legacy gameplay reveals.

Things that no one noticed in Hogwarts Legacy gameplay reveals.

Hogwarts Legacy has been one of the most awaited games today. All Harry Potter fans have been waiting for the game for a long time. Recently, WB Games were successful in making almost an end to the wait for the game, which the fans have done. Players were so excited for the game that they would have missed many things revealed in the gameplay trailer.   But Hogwarts Legacy is not the only Harry Potter game that made the fans wait so long. Wizarding World is also one of the most popular Harry Potter games. Since it was launched, fans have played the game and made it available to them. There have been several games that have provided players with an experience of what goes inside and outside of Hogwarts.   Several things have been promised to the fans through the Gameplay reveal of Hogwarts Legacy. Therefore, these things have also made the fans much happier, and also, they would be waiting for the game more impatiently now. But, it can be said that this game would also be a huge success for WB Games and can also break many other records set. Let us look at the things we might have missed in the gameplay reveal.   Avada Kedavara Many players might have missed that enemies use Avada Kedavara in the game. We all know that Hogwarts Legacy is entirely based on Role-Playing games, and the story would depend upon the choices we will be making. These decisions can even make you a wise person in the game, making you a dark wizard. What could be the things we might have missed about the same in the reveal?   In the game, the player has to face enemies that use Avada Kedavara, also known as the unforgiving killing curse. But there is a twist. Players would also be having the sinister green lights, which they have to use themselves. If you had played Wizarding Worlds, you would be familiar with the things we talked about above. Help will be given at one condition; when you ask for it. Narratives would play an important role in the storyline of the game. Whether you go around the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizards or at the iconic castle, they would be helping you a lot. Several places have been revealed in the gameplay, and also these places have the fans excited. But the fans are even more excited for just the Room of Requirements. There are numerous rooms, but this room has most of the fans waiting for the game to explore.    Players know that this room would be playing an important role in the game for many things. It would help the players to upgrade their weapons and also brew potions. Therefore, it would be strengthening them for combat.   Past of the Ghost of Hogwarts If we have a look at the game's info, it can be made clear that the storyline of the game takes place many decades before Harry Potter. So, it might be difficult for the players to find characters from these series. There is no confirmation whether the Ghost of Hogwarts would be there in the story or not. From the gameplay, it can be seen that many of the ghosts have made their appearance in it.    These ghosts include Peeves and also Nearly Headless Nick. It will help the players know the past of the Ghost of Hogwarts.   Places to find Fantastic Beasts Fantastic Beasts are those things in the game which every Harry Potter fan wants to see. They are the main elements that make the game even more interesting. If we look at the trailer of the game, we would be able to see that the Fantastic Beasts are also present in this game. The fans have been impressed by seeing the first look of the fantastic beasts available in the game. It sure makes the fans anticipate the game, and they expect it to launch soon. Ancient Magic and Goblin Rebellion The last thing on the list is the Goblin Rebellion and the Ancient Magic. The players of Wizarding World know about the magical history that had been taken place in the game. All of the series of events in Harry Potter and the Wizarding Worlds showed the players several things that are notable for the magical history. It can also be seen that the game has been set to the Goblin Rebellion, which was a period of tension for the Wizarding Worlds. So, it depicts that the Ancient Magic will play an important role in the storyline of Hogwarts Legacy.