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All you need to know about BGMI Gold Rush Event

All you need to know about BGMI Gold Rush Event

All you need to know about BGMI Gold Rush Event


Last year, Krafton announced the newest event for their hugely popular mobile game, Battlegrounds Mobile India. In Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), players are tasked with eliminating other players for the win as they avoid enemy attacks and outrun a collapsing zone. The new event, "Gold Rush," will allow players to collect free gold by ranking up in the game during a limited time period.


As players reach higher ranks in the game, they move further away from the ever-encroaching collapse of their zone. The farther away you are from the collapse, the slower it will progress towards your location—this is important to remember as you move up in rank because a slow-moving collapse will yield more gold than a fast-moving one. This also means that you'll need to decide whether to take a risk by heading back closer to your mine's entrance to gather more gold quickly or stay at a safer distance and potentially miss out on some easy gold.


First, head over to the BGMI shop and click on the Gold Rush banner. This will bring you to a new screen that shows all of your current rewards. Here you can see what you've won so far, how many gems you've earned this month, and how many more games you need to play in order to complete each reward. Each reward has its own separate gem value, but once you've completed it, there's no going back. If you don't like your current reward or if you want to complete another one instead, it's best to think twice before making a change. Once you've decided which reward you'd like to complete, throw some bingo balls into a game and wait for your prize! Once it arrives at the end of your game, it's yours forever!

Everything about the new Gold Rush event in BGMI

The first thing you'll notice about the new Gold Rush event is that it's a lot like the old one, but with a few changes to make it more fun and engaging! The layout of the event has changed. The "buildings" are now explorer tents, which are moved every 6 hours instead of every 24 hours—but you can also move them at any time if you're out of energy.


The way that you collect gold has also changed: instead of collecting gold from mines and wells, you can now collect it from "Campsite Vaults" (which are scattered around the map) or from the Explorer Tents (which don't require you to be there). There's also a special event currency called "Gold Nuggets" which can be used to buy event prizes.


For players who really want to get into the Gold Rush spirit, there are special outfits available in the store, including Prospector hats and Big Bill's Vests. There's even a costume that turns your pet into a little burro!


How can BGMI players get their hands on the Golden Pan?

The Golden Pan is a special non-mission reward that you can get once you've completed all of the basic and intermediate missions. Once you have a complete collection of BGMI cards, you'll be eligible to redeem them at the Golden Pan Redemption Center in the Town Square. This NPC will give you the item, which is the same pan that the players who won it in an end-of-year tournament are using!  The Golden Pan is a brand-new item that can be purchased in the BGMI shop. This item can be used to melt down items into gold bars, and you'll get more gold from melting down items with the Golden Pan than you would from melting them down without one. Here are some common ways for players to get their hands on the Golden Pan:


  • Purchased in the BGMI shop for 10,000 coins


  • Dropped by a Golden Goose (rare spawn) throughout the year


  • Combine a Golden Pen and a Penguin Pen to craft it

The Golden Pan is a special non-mission reward that you can get once you've completed all of the basic and intermediate missions. Once you have a complete collection of BGMI cards, you'll be eligible to redeem them at the Golden Pan Redemption Center in the Town Square. This NPC will give you the item, which is the same pan that the players who won it in an end-of-year tournament are using!