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This is the best Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2

This is the best Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2

This is the best Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2


Banshee is selling a god-roll PvP Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2 right now. It's called the "Banned" and it is a beast of a gun. It costs 29 legendary shards and 44 legendary shards if you don't have the Ghost Shell (which can be bought for 1,200 glimmers). You can get that glimmer by completing the Mercury public event, or by farming it from enemies in the strike playlist that comes with the Warmind DLC.  If you can't get enough Destiny 2, Bungie has some good news for you. There's a weapon in the game right now that's pretty much guaranteed to help you dominate the competition. It's a god-roll Fusion Rifle called the Banshee and it's been making its way around the internet today. The gun boasts an impressive 1.5-second charge time, allowing you to fire off multiple shots before your opponent even had a chance to react. If you're looking to try this weapon out, here are a few tips we've picked up while playing with it.


It's worth noting that this is a PvP-only weapon, so if you're wanting something to help with PvE activities like Strikes or the raid, this isn't going to be the best option for you. It also doesn't come cheap—you'll need to complete an intense set of challenges in order to unlock it for purchase from Banshee-44 in the Tower. 

Banshee-44, the gunsmith (found in the Tower) has a god roll fusion rifle for sale right now. The gun is called the "Dreg's Promise," and it's a high impact, high range precision weapon with a 71% boost to handling speed, and you get an extra perk when your health is below 20%. It's got very high stability, so even though it's a precision weapon, it can be used in close quarters. The base range is 22 meters and the magazine size is 11 shots. It's a beautiful gun that looks great on any Guardian. The downside is that it costs 23 Motes of Light and you're going to have to grind out 23 Exotic engrams to get them (you get one per Exotic Engram).


Snorri FR5 god roll on Banshee-44 in Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted (June 9)

With the new season of the Haunted underway in Destiny 2, players are looking to improve their gear. While there are plenty of good ways to get powerful equipment for lower levels, for a lot of players, the best way to get high-level legendary weapons and armor is to use infusion.


With infusion, you can take a high-level item and "infuse" it into a piece of gear that's at a lower level; doing so will bring up the base power level, or power level, of that item. The item you're infusing will gain a few levels from the process, but will drop down in rarity, since it loses its infusion "charge."

As long as your new gear has more exotic slots than your starting item (so if you're infusing an exotic into an exotic), you'll keep the perks on your newly infused weapon or armor piece. Sometimes this is exactly what you want—you may have picked up an exotic weapon with a perk you don't care about and would rather have some other perks instead. But that means that when you go to infuse it, you could lose out on something awesome.


The Gunsmith's newest weapons are now available in Destiny 2. Go to the Tower, and you'll find Banshee-44 in his usual place near the Speaker. He has a variety of new weapons on display—I have his full inventory at the end of this section—but all of them have one thing in common: they're fully "Snorri FR5 god roll" weapons. They're as godly as they can be, with every stat perfect and maxed out at FIVE. How do they get that way? Well, when you're Snorri, you get to spend countless hours in your workshop testing every possible combination of perks, abilities, and gear to see what works best together. I'm a busy guy who doesn't have enough time for that kind of routine—I'm sure you're the same way!