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All you need to know about Frogs in Minecraft Wild Update

All you need to know about Frogs in Minecraft Wild Update

All you need to know about Frogs in Minecraft Wild Update

The Minecraft 1.19 update has made these colourful creatures much easier to find. To get coloured frogs in Minecraft, players need to venture out into the new wild biome. They will want to make sure to have a lead on hand so that they can tame their new frog friend. In Minecraft, frogs can come in multiple different colours and players will want to catch them all! Frogs are all over the Minecraft world. They love to rest on leaves and lily pads. Some players find them so cute that they want to collect every colour, but questing for them can be challenging and time-consuming. As of the version 1.19 Wild Update, there are a few different ways to get orange-coloured frogs in Minecraft. All of which can be done in survival mode!

Steps to get differently-coloured frogs in Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update

1) Find two frogs for breeding

Frogs are used for two main things in Minecraft: crafting potions and living in your house like a tropical aqua-pet. Both of these activities require at least one frog. Only frogs which look different from each other can breed, so that means you will need one frog of each of two breeds to start the whole process. Frogs are found almost exclusively in swamps, in small ponds, although they can rarely be found around lakes where there is swampy ground nearby. Find any two frogs near or on top of each other, each must be in a different colour. Different colours include white, brown, grey, and black. Keep one frog as a parent frog as you are going to need it later. The other frog will be discardable.


2) Frogs laying frog spawns and hatching into Tadpoles

 The second step to getting differently-coloured frogs in Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update is for your frogs to lay frog spawns and for the tadpoles to hatch into more regular-coloured frogs. The second step to getting differently coloured frogs in Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update is for the frogs that you want to lay frogspawn and hatch into tadpoles, is for them to mate. You need a male and female frog of different colours. When your frogs are ready to breed, you will notice that they each have nametags above their heads when they are next to each other. Give both of them food (seeds, carrots, golden carrots or beetroot) until they have hearts floating above their heads. Wait for them to be ready to mate, which is when they stop eating and the nametags disappear. Click on one of the frogs and then click on the other frog.  They will now get down on one knee and propose marriage! Once you accept the proposal, a heart should appear above both of their heads.


3) Taking Tadpoles to another biome

Tadpoles are not fully developed to be able to live in other biomes around the world, so the steps to get differently-coloured frogs in Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update is all about taking tadpoles to another biome by using this method of transporting it.  When you first got your tadpoles, you may have noticed that they are green, whereas the frogs that spawn in the wild are brown. That's because you took your tadpoles away from their natural environment. The colour of your tadpoles depends on the biome that you found them in. If you want them to grow up to be brown, then you should take them back to the same place where you found them! 


4) Growing Tadpoles into differently coloured Frogs

Growing tadpoles into differently colored frogs is a step many Minecraft players find tricky. You can do it if you start with different kinds of tadpoles and then change their colors. To grow up a tadpole, you need to put it in water and make sure the water doesn't dry up. The easiest way to do this is to create a small body of water with a well-made bucket of water in the middle of it. You also need to make sure the frog doesn't turn into a grown up frog. To stop this from happening, you need to let the frog keep consuming food than its body size dictates, so that it will stay at the same size for a long time. You can do this by putting one food item in the same place every time, so that it knows where to find food when it needs more.