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Guide to get more fans in Roller Champions

Guide to get more fans in Roller Champions

Guide to get more fans in Roller Champions


The hype for sports games is increasing a lot in today's world. Ubisoft has recently launched it's new sports game which goes by the name Roller Champions. In this game, the players get an opportunity to start their career as a roller skater and skate to the victory. There are many things which tell the players how the life of a professional roller skater looks like. After the launch of the game, the developers saw a boom in the sales and the game is still growing. Moreover, the best part about the game is that the developers have set it to the future, i.e., to the 2032. The developers already saw the growth of futuristic games in our today's era due to which they made improvements to Roller Champions before making it officially available for launch.


This game consists of the modern day professional roller skaters which would be battling against each other in the game. The game has great mechanics where the players dunk against each other, smack to their opponents in order to score more points and win the game. We all are aware that a fan base is equally important in a sport. Due to this reason, the developers have also added many things in the game related to the fans. It is the main objective for all the sports persons to gather a fan base for themselves. So, it is important to give a great performance to attract the spectators.

How to gain fans?

Fans are one of the most important elements of the game, Roller Champions. They are helpful to the players as the players are able to earn points for their Roller Pass which is also known to be the Battle Pass of the game. So, the fans would in short help the players to earn a lot of rewards in the game. Along with that, the developers have diversified the fans system in the game to a great extent.


The more fans the players have, the better tiers they are able to access throughout their career. Therefore, it is important for the players to focus both on their performance in the game and also gathering the fans for themselves. The Roller Pass is of two types, one is the Premium track while the other is the Free Track. Both of these tracks require fans to level up and the only difference between them is related to the rewards. Rewards would only be unlocked if the players have earned fans in the game. Some of the best ways to earn fans in the game, Roller Champions are as follows-


  • First of all, it is important for the players to finish a match which is related to career like Quick Match, Ranked Match, or Events.

  • The players must focus on their performances as the more better they perform, the more fans they would be able to add to their fan base once the match gets finished

  • Daily Bonus challenges also play an important role in helping the players to earn fans.

  • Sponsors can also be earned in the game which provide unique challenges to the players. And when the players complete these challenges, they would be awarded with a great amount of fans.

  • Skatepark activities are available in the game for a limited time but when they are available, the players can participate in the same to earn points.

  • Lootballs are also helpful to earn fans in the game.

These are the most effective ways in which the players would be able to gain fans in Roller Champions. But the players must keep one thing in their mind that they would not be receiving the same amount of fans all the time as the rewards may vary depending on the performance and the level of challenges accepted and completed by the players. The number of fans which the players would be earning through daily or sponsored events would be depending on the level of challenges provided. While the fans earned through the matches, totally depends upon the performance put up by the players in their matches.