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#minecraft java

Best shaders to use in Minecraft
Best shaders to use in Minecraft
Minecraft's latest major update, 1.19, brought a ton of changes (and possibly more bugs than fixes) over the old version. One of the biggest changes was the addition of new graphical options...
Best underwater Minecraft builds
Best underwater Minecraft builds
The Minecraft 1.19 update has been out for a few days now and it's been full of cool new features. One of those is the ability to find underwater builds in worlds, which means you can build...
Best seeds in Minecraft 1.19 update
Best seeds in Minecraft 1.19 update
Seeds are the starting point for your Minecraft world. They're what you see on the title screen when you load up your game, and it's where you can start playing the game. Seeds...
Tips to find Copper in Minecraft
Tips to find Copper in Minecraft
Copper is a very valuable resource in Minecraft, but it can be difficult to find. Luckily, there are several ways to get your hands on this precious metal. It's worth noting that you'll...
How to find a Nether Fortress in Minecraft?
How to find a Nether Fortress in Minecraft?
The best way to find a Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.19 is to look for one within a normal Nether biome. This can easily be done by pressing F3, which will show you all of the biomes in...
Most popular Myths in Minecraft
Most popular Myths in Minecraft
The world of Minecraft is a strange place. It's a world of monsters, creepers, and creepers that shoot arrows at you. It's a world where trees can be chopped down, and no one cares....
Tips to stay safe from the Warden
Tips to stay safe from the Warden
  If you see a small bluish humanoid creature starting to spawn in Minecraft, run! Run as fast as you can (we don't need any bruises on that pretty face of yours!). Don't...
Some ores which are not much rare in Minecraft
Some ores which are not much rare in Minecraft
The rarest ore in Minecraft 1.19 is the indestructible block of gold. It seems like there should be a diamond encrusted gold block at the top of Minecraft's precious metals hierarchy, but...
Best Fabric mods in Minecraft
Best Fabric mods in Minecraft
If you are a fan of crafting in Minecraft, then this mod is definitely a must-have. It allows players to craft their own custom furniture and items using fabric. The most exciting thing about...
Best Mountain seeds for Minecraft Java users
Best Mountain seeds for Minecraft Java users
  There are many seeds in Minecraft: Java Edition 1.19 that are great for mountain building. This article will list the Top 10 seeds for mountain building in Minecraft: Java Edition...