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League of Legends 12.8 Patch update

League of Legends 12.8 Patch update

League of Legends 12.8 Patch update

League of Legends would be receiving the new patch update soon. It has been confirmed by the developers that this would be done in a week’s time and the players have been looking forward to the changes which would be launched through this update. Players are aware that through the updates, the developers nerf some characters while on the other hand, buff the others. Fortunately, Riot Games have confirmed the information about what new things would be added to the game, which characters would be nerfed, which would be buffed, and much more. Earlier, the data miners of the game also provided the same information.


The developers have confirmed through the patch notes that this time there would be many champion updates. They also said that it is time to bring some good changes to the Metaverse of the game which the fans have been waiting for. Through the patch notes, it even looks like Ezreal, Zoe, Mordekaiser, and Vladimir would be receiving some updates which will make them even more better than they were before. In the Season 12 update of the game, there were not many changes made to them due to which the players mostly didn’t pick them up but now the changes would affect a lot whether they will be picked over others or not.


Update Preview

Let us now have a look at the patch notes which have been provided by the developers for the version 12.8 update. The list which has been provided by the developers is tentative and there are a few chances that the developers might bring some changes to the same. Also, it cannot be confirmed that all of the characters which are about to be nerfed or buffed would be receiving the same when the update rolls out officially next week. Here is some detailed information about the next update-

Champion Buffs

  • Moredekaiser

  • Aatrox

  • Vladimir

  • Poppy

  • Sejuani

  • Fiddlesticks

  • Zoe

  • Kassadin

  • Vel’Koz

  • Xerath

  • Sylas

  • Ezreal

  • Tristana

  • Jhin

  • Bard

  • Seraphine


This shows that the developers would be putting forward various champion buffs during the next update of the game. However, it cannot be confirmed that all of the characters mentioned above would be receiving buffs as the list can be changed by the developers anytime before the update gets launched. All of the champions which have been mentioned in the list did not receive some changes during Season 12 due to which players hardly used them in the battles. Now, it looks like the developers would be bringing some notable changes to them so that the chances of picking them over others increases. 


Champion Nerfs

Any League of Legends update is incomplete without any of the champions receiving a nerf through it. This time the list of champions receiving nerf is less as compared to the previous ones which shows that the developers would be trying to change the meta of the game through this massive update. The champions which are about to be nerfed through the next update are as follows-

  • Pyke

  • Soraka

  • Jinx

  • Xayah


These characters would be receiving nerf through the version 12.8 update of the game. Pyke has also been included to the list of the same because the new mid-strategy which had been launched by the developers for this character became a major reason behind which the solo matching queue starts off late. When the character received a buff during previous updates, it became near to impossible for the players to deal with the same. Because of this reason, the developers have confirmed that they would be nerfing this character so it gets fit for the support role which it has been made for.


Champion Adjustments

Some champions would also be receiving a few minor adjustments just to ensure that they keep on working fluently in the game. Also, the adjustments which would be made to the same will not affect the player's choices to choose that particular character. The characters which have been confirmed to receive some adjustments through the next game update are as follows-

  • Ap Kai’Sa

  • Swain


The developers have also said that Swain would be receiving some mini reworks and it would be a major part for the patch update to be launched in the game.