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No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

Hello Games' Next Ambitious Project Won't Be A No Man's Sky Sequel, Outlaws


No Man's Sky is a true rags-to-riches story. While early RVs of the massive creation were emotional, the game couldn't live up to that eventuality during its rocky early launch period. Of course, times (and miraculous updates) subsequently, No Man's Sky is an experience bulging with engaging content like base- structure. In that same tone, the new Outlaws update launches henceforth, fastening on the lawless underbelly of the world. But, more importantly, Sean Murray spoke to IGN about Hello Games' coming ambitious design and how it'll not affect the trillion- earth adventure. It'll be a commodity much more.


Moment's Outlaw's update was curtly epitomized by a list of bullet points in a recent Sean Murray tweet

Outlaw Space Stations

Cloth Simulation

Outlaw Story


Solar Ship

Recruit Wingmen

Planetary Frigates

Improved Space Combat

Forged Passports

More Ship Slots

Bounty Missions

Planetary Pirate Raids


A blog post excavated into further details. Players will get to explore Outlaw Stations, filled with contraband commerce, unique charge NPCs, and smuggling openings. Procedurally-generated Solar Vessels were enforced to spice up sport fisherman collection, and immersive additions like thundering frigates and dramatic explosions will probably keep explorers on the edge of their seats. You can learn further about what’s new to No Man’s Sky by watching the caravan over.


In other news, Sean Murray told IGN that Hello's Games’next design is strikingly ambitious, “ Analogous to No Man's Sky, it's the kind of design that indeed if we had a thousand people working on it, it'd still feel insolvable.” What this new IP will be is anyone’s conjecture, but Hello Games has spent a long time honing their craft with No Man’s Sky’s putatively horizonless circle. In any case, it won’t affect the inventor’s flagship title.