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Heroes which deal the highest damage in Overwatch 2

Heroes which deal the highest damage in Overwatch 2

Heroes which deal the highest damage in Overwatch 2

In Overwatch, there are five heroes with the highest damage dealing capacity. These heroes are named as Soldier 76, McCree, Reaper, Tracer and Zenyatta. The best way to deal damage in Overwatch is by using your abilities and your ultimate abilities.


The best way to deal considerable damage is by using your abilities and your ultimate abilities. Soldier 76 can use his ultimate ability Reinhardt to protect his team from enemy attacks while McCree can use his Flashbang ability to stun enemies and Reaper can use Death Blossom to deal a lot of damage. Tracer can also use her Pulse Bomb ultimate ability to deal a lot of damage on enemies. Zenyatta can also heal his teammates with his Transcendence ultimate ability or he can boost the movement speed of his allies with Well Of Life ultimate ability or he can shield them from all incoming fire for few seconds with Harmony ultimate ability.


The best hero in Overwatch is Sombra. She is a support sniper who can dish out tons of damage to enemies and heal allies at the same time. She can also hack enemy turrets, which can help your team win battles quickly. Sombra has a very strong healing ability called Translocator that allows her to teleport from one point to another within her range. This move makes her hard to hit, so she needs some time before she can use it again.

Her hacking ability allows her to hack enemy turrets and destroy them completely. This is very helpful when there are no more enemies around you, because you will have an advantage over them. Her EMP ability can disable all shields on all enemies within range, which means that they will not be able to protect themselves against any attacks coming from behind them or even behind their backs! You should always try your best to get Sombra as soon as possible, because she is one of the best heroes in Overwatch!


Highest damage dealers


1. Sombra


Sombra is the most powerful damage dealer in the game. Her Hack ability can be used to disable almost any hero, and her EMP can disable healing effects and shields. Her ultimate ability, Translocator, allows her to teleport anywhere she wants on the map. This is useful for getting into position or escaping from enemies.


2. Lucio


Lucio is one of the smoothest healers in Overwatch, but he's also one of the best damage dealers. His healing aura puts his team at a huge advantage when playing as a team, and his Sound Barrier can keep you alive for a long time against enemy attacks.


3. Zenyatta

Zenyatta isn't just an excellent support hero — he's also one of the best damage dealers in Overwatch 2. Zenyatta's Orb of Harmony gives him an extremely powerful self-heal ability, which makes him incredibly difficult to kill during extended fights. He can also use Discord Strike to knock enemies away from him or heal them at the same time.


4. Mercy


Mercy is one of the best healers in Overwatch 2 because she doesn't just heal herself — she can also heal allies at a distance by using her Valkyrie Ultimate Ability! Mercy's Resurrect Ultimate Ability will bring back any fallen ally with only 1HP left on the battlefield, which makes her an excellent backline tank who can protect her teammates from enemy fire while they're fighting elsewhere on the map!


5. Widowmaker


Widowmaker is known for being a sniper who can deal great damage from long range and has excellent mobility with her grappling hook ability. Her primary fire shoots out deadly scoped shots that deal high damage and are boosted by precision hits, while her alternate fire shoots out quick-reloading rockets that explode on contact with enemy players and deal tremendous splash damage while airborne.