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Where to get Fecund Blessing gifts in Genshin Impact?

Where to get Fecund Blessing gifts in Genshin Impact?

Where to get Fecund Blessing gifts in Genshin Impact?


In the following list of locations, the name of the town will be used in the descriptions. The items are listed in order of their distance from the town.


  1. Gift from a Firstborn Genshin: In a cave at the top of a mountain (827 meters above sea level). It's well hidden but easy to find once you know where to look.


  1. Gift from a Firstborn Genshin (day 2): In a cave on an island (1250 meters above sea level). It's well hidden but easy to find once you know where to look.


  1. Gift from a Firstborn Genshin (day 3): In a cave on an island in Lake Midoritai (1640 meters above sea level). It's well hidden but easy to find once you know where to look.


  1. Gift from an Offspring Genshin: In a cave in Lake Midoritai (1780 meters above sea level). It's well hidden but easy to find once you know where to look.


The effects of the Genshin Impact Fecund Blessings have begun to take effect in Mondstadt. We have been working hard to gather all the resources we need to complete our task, but we still need more help from you guys! If you want to help us out, head over to any of these locations:


Gift Shop: The Gift Shop is located near the town square and has been filled with gifts for both you and your friends.


Chaos Common room: This is where all the chaos energy is being stored, so make sure you log on and let it out!

Mondstadt Library: The library has been open 24/7 thanks to some divine intervention from Genshin himself! All of us here at Genshin HQ appreciate all your help!


Day 2 Locations

Genshin Impact has a new event for the Fecund Blessing Day 2 challenge. The event introduces 8 new gift locations to the game, but only one of them can be used per day. The new locations are as follows:


1) Alluring Gift - This gift location can be found in the Eastern part of the map, near where you find the Weapon Shop (marked on your map). This is a rare drop from monsters, so it's worth checking every day if you want to get your hands on this item!


2) Charming Gift - This gift location can be found in the Central part of the map, east of the Weapon Shop. There are several types of monsters that drop this item, so you may need to check every day if you want to get your hands on this item!


3) Magnificent Gift - This gift location can be found in the Western part of the map, south of where you find Genshin. You will also see several different kinds of monsters here that drop this item, so make sure to check every day if you want to get your hands on this!

If you haven't yet played the Fecund Blessing Day 2 Challenge, it's worth checking out. The challenge is a beautiful little tower defense game that has you protecting some kind of plant life from an ever-increasing swarm of insects. The story behind Genshin Impact is that each level has you protecting one of 8 different plants in the world. Each plant has its own unique traits and abilities that make it unique to this particular challenge.


You'll be protecting these plants from a never-ending onslaught of bugs which can come in different sizes and colors depending on their type. Each level also has a different number of waves per day, making it so that there's always something new to look forward to each day!


The first gift is always a good one because it's easy to get. You just need to unlock the challenge and go through everything that comes after it until you reach this one. Glory is a good starting point because it gives you an easy way to get some resources. There's also another gift right after this one, but it's not as good as Glory when it comes to resource generation.