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Where to find Minty Pickaxe in Fortnite?

Where to find Minty Pickaxe in Fortnite?

Where to find Minty Pickaxe in Fortnite?

Yes, you can still get the Minty Pickaxe in Fortnite as of 2022. Fortnite season 4 has been one of the most exciting seasons so far and there is no doubt that you will be enjoying the game even more after this update. The new pickaxe looks like a giant metal pepper, which makes it very appealing to players who are looking for something different than the usual pickaxes that come with every battle pass. This is also one of the best ways to get rid of your opponents on the battlefield because you can hit them directly with this weapon.


The Minty Pickaxe will be available for purchase once again in 2022, but only one can be purchased per account at a time. You will have to wait until 2022 before you can get your hands on it again, but if you have already bought one, then there is no need for worry. Yes, you can still get the Minty Pickaxe in Fortnite as of 2022.


The Minty Pickaxe is a rare item that you can only find during special events. It was first introduced in Season 4 and then again in Season 5 when the game added a new pickaxe that was inspired by the original one. The Minty Pickaxe is extremely powerful, though it's not nearly as strong as other pickaxes like the Vine Mine or Dynamite, which are both much stronger than this one. It's also very rare to see one on the ground, so if you're looking to complete your collection, it's best to keep checking back every now and then.


If you’re looking to get the Minty Pickaxe in Fortnite, you can still do so. The item is still available, but only for those who have reached Battle Pass Tier 10. The Epic Games team has announced that the Minty Pickaxe would be returning as part of the next season of Fortnite. The new season will arrive on September 12th, where players will be able to unlock all of the new items and cosmetics available with the new Battle Pass.

Minty Pickaxe Scam

Fortnite players should be aware of the Minty Pickaxe scam, which is currently circulating on Fortnite’s public servers. The scam works by convincing players to open an account with a fake bank, then tricking them into depositing money into their account.


Once the money is deposited, the scammers will withdraw it and use it to buy V-Bucks (the in-game currency for Fortnite) on other players’ accounts. This can take several hours or even days, depending on how much time it takes for the scammer to find someone who has money to deposit.


The first sign that you may have been targeted by this scam is when you see messages from someone telling you that they need your V-Bucks in order to start playing Fortnite. It’s important not to give up your account information or credit card information over chat; instead contact Epic Games directly via email at


If you think that your account has been compromised, there are some things you can do right away. First, contact your bank or credit card company and ask them if they have received any suspicious activity related to your account. This is a new scam that has been making its rounds on the web, and it's one that you need to be aware of. It's hard to tell if this is a real thing or not, but it seems like it could be.

The scam works like this: Someone posts a video on social media where they claim to have found a Fortnite pickaxe by accident. They explain how they've been playing the game for a while, and they've finally gotten up to level 50 and are looking for more loot. Of course, once they find this new pickaxe, they realize that it's not actually working properly and go about fixing it.


The problem here is that most people aren't going to go out of their way just because someone says so on social media – especially when there are plenty of other ways for them to get their hands on an item like this without having to spend hours doing research or driving around with cameras looking for treasure chests in the desert! You shouldn't fall for this scam just because someone tells you there's one around somewhere; instead, check out some reputable sites like Fortnite Tracker or Fortnite Tracker Wiki before following any leads.