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Which mobs give the most XP in Minecraft?

Which mobs give the most XP in Minecraft?

Which mobs give the most XP in Minecraft?


Minecraft involves a lot of mobs which provides Experience Points to the players whenever they kill them. But this feature does not goes on to all the mobs which are present in the game due to which it is necessary to know that which mobs would provide the players with the most XP or Experience Points. For example, if the players kill a baby chicken, baby sheep or any other baby animal, they would not get any XP points and also the mob drops would not be present over there. The best way to get XP or Experience Points is through the Hostile Mobs. 


When the players would be killing any hostile mob in the game, it would reward them with XP points. But all the mobs have different level of XPs which they provide to the players. Some mobs are easy to kill because of which the players would get only a small amount of Experience Points. While on the other hand, some mobs drop the most Experience Points and it would be boosting the XP levels of the players at a great extent. So, the mobs which will provide the players with the most XP points are as follows-


Piglin Brute

Yes you heard it right, Piglin Brute also make it to the list of the mobs which provides the most XP points to the players when killed. Whenever the players would be killing the same, they would be rewarded with a total of 20 XP points which are enough for them to level up. But it should be noted that the Piglin Brutes have low spawn rates due to which the players might even face difficulty spotting them in the Nether dimension. Most of the Piglin Brutes can be found by the players near the Bastion Remnants.



Ravagers make it to the list of the most powerful mobs present in the game. And these are the mobs which are known to be the Iron Golems of the Pillagers. These mobs spawn more than the Piglin Brutes due to which Ravagers have a high spot in the list as compared to them. Both of these mobs drop the same Experience Points, which is 20 but the spawn rate of Ravagers is not limited like the Piglin Brutes. They do not have any limited area of spawn which would make them limited.


Slime or Magma Cubes

Slime or the Magma Cubes also make it to the list. These can be found in both Overworld and the Nether dimension. The players would be able to locate the Slimes in the Overworld and the Magma Cubes in the Nether dimension. When they would kill any one of them, it would spawn nine small Slime or Magma Cubes depending upon the mob which they have killed. The highest Experience Points which the players would be able to claim from the same is around 28 but it varies depending upon the size of the Slime and Magma Cubes.



This is among the two boss mobs which are present in the game. The players would be able to take a high level of XP Points by killing the Wither. But it should be noted that killing a Wither is not that easy. However, there are many players who have taken out some tips and tricks which will help them to kill the Wither without doing much efforts. Whenever the players would be killing a Wither in the game, they would be rewarded with a total of 50 Experience Points which is enough to level their XP a lot.


Ender Dragon

The Ender Dragon provides the players with the highest Experience Points which they would be able to get in the game. If the players are capable to reach till the End dimension and take a fight with the Ender Dragon. It would not be that much difficult for them to kill it. But the players should first destroy the End Crystals which will regenerate the health of the Ender Dragon. If the players kill the Ender Dragon in the game for the first time, they would be given a massive total of 12 thousand XP points for the same.