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Fortnite still friendly for Children

Fortnite still friendly for Children

Fortnite still friendly for Children


The Fortnite universe is surprisingly diverse. The game has a cast of characters that range from your classically generic "I'm cool, bro" to a host of other personalities and even gender identities. But Fortnite's cast of characters is far from the only thing that makes it so interesting. The game also features some heavy-hitting collaborations in its arsenal. Just ask anyone who didn't get a chance to play Fortnite's original launch event with Drake and Travis Scott — it was amazing!


However, while these collaborations are fun and exciting, they have their own set of consequences as well. A lot of players are worried that these collaborations will lead to kids being exposed to inappropriate content. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into all things Fortnite with regards to its community, including current controversy surrounding collaborations and how they could impact children's gaming habits going forward.


Fortnite is a game that is not only fun to play, but also has a huge following. The popularity of the game has reached levels that even celebrities are getting involved in the action, with rapper Drake and actor Dwayne Johnson both having their own personal Fortnite squads. This success has also caused some problems for players though: Fortnite has been accused of being too violent for children and teens. However, if you look at how many people play it and how much money it makes, it's clear that Fortnite is still a pretty safe game for children to play.

One of the biggest issues with Fortnite is the presence of microtransactions in the game. While this may seem like a small issue on its own, it can have major consequences if players spend their money on these microtransactions rather than getting their friends to spend theirs instead. There have been reports that gamers have spent hundreds of dollars on these microtransactions without realizing what they were doing until they started seeing negative effects from it later down the line!


Safe for Kids?

Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world, but it can be difficult to know if your child can play it safely. There are hundreds of thousands of players who play Fortnite every day and there are also many more people who watch streams and videos online. This means that there is a lot of exposure to Fortnite videos, but also that there are a lot of people who play this game online.


Many parents worry about how much time their children spend playing video games, especially Fortnite. The good news is that there's no evidence that playing this game can lead to problems in later life such as obesity or poor academic performance. However, there are some things you should be aware of when it comes to Fortnite for kids.

Fortnite is a safe game for kids, but it's important to know the age restrictions. The game has built-in features that block younger players from joining older ones in multiplayer games. Fortnite is rated T (Teen) by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), meaning it's not suitable for children under 17 years old. That said, the ESRB only rates games based on content, not age. Fortnite allows players of all ages to play together in the same game lobby and in multiplayer matches.


However, there are several restrictions on what you can do while playing with your friends: You can't join other players' games unless they invite you. You also can't join someone else's party if they invite you and vice versa. You can't communicate with anyone outside of your party or solo match in any way besides using emotes or voice chat. This includes typing text messages, using emojis or sending pictures through Steam Workshop.


You can't use most emotes without also using text chat at all times (this means no "duck face" or "pistol face"). Some emotes are blocked outright because they might be inappropriate for younger players talking with older ones. Fortnite is a very safe game for kids. There is no blood or gore, and the shooting can be disabled. In fact, you can even play with your kids while they are still learning how to use a mouse. The only thing that is missing from the game is character death.