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Minecraft Realms creation guide for 2022

Minecraft Realms creation guide for 2022

Minecraft Realms creation guide for 2022


Minecraft is a game that has been around for a very long time. It has been a huge success and there are millions of people who play it every day. There are also many versions of Minecraft that have been released over the years, such as the PC version, Xbox One version and even the mobile version which is available on Android and iOS devices.


The good news is that you can now get your own Minecraft Realms servers and play with others online without any issues. All you need to do is install the recommended Minecraft Realms server software on your computer or gaming console. Then simply log in using your username and password and start playing immediately!


Minecraft Realms is not just another multiplayer server software; it's a unique way to experience the world of Minecraft with other players from all around the world! By joining an existing community server or starting one yourself, you'll be able to play with people from all over the globe in one place!


Minecraft Realms is a good way to play the game with friends or family. It can be used to create private servers and play on them with friends at the same time. The main reason why players are using Minecraft Realms is that they want to enjoy playing with their friends without having to worry about the time spent in setting up the game.

Realms creation guide

It's easy to set up a Minecraft Realm server because you will only need a web browser, an internet connection and a Minecraft account. Here are some steps you need to follow:


1) First of all, log into your account and click on your username in the top-right corner of your screen.


2) Then, click on "Play" in the left-hand menu bar and choose "Create New Server."


3) In this step, enter a name for your server (e.g., "My Realm"), select an IP address from which players can connect (e.g., "192.168.0.*") and click "Next."


4) Once you have completed these steps, click on "Play" again in the left-hand menu bar and then choose "Advanced Options."


5) Next, under "Server Address," enter your desired port number (e.g., 25565).


Minecraft Realms is a server hosting service for Minecraft that allows players to play together in full multiplayer with other players across the world. Minecraft Realms is a great way to play Minecraft with your friends or family. It's also a good way to keep track of your progress in the game, as you can have both a private and public version of your world. There are two methods you can use to set up Minecraft Realms: using the official website or using an online service like Both methods require you to create an account with Mojang and log into it with your existing Mojang account.


Minecraft Realms is a subscription service that allows you to host your own Minecraft world on a server hosted by Mojang AB. You can make a private or public world, and invite friends to join you in game. Minecraft Realms is currently in beta and Mojang says it will be open to everyone from late 2022. However, there are some things you need to do before the official release:

Make sure you have an active Minecraft account (if not, create one). Download the latest version of Minecraft for Mac, Windows 10 or iOS devices. Install the Minecraft Realms app on your device. Create an account with Mojang and link both your Apple ID and Android ID with your Mojang account


1.Download Minecraft Realms Server


2. Open the Minecraft Realms Server folder and open the config.yml file in a text editor like Notepad++ or Sublime Text 2.


3. Change the number at the end of the line to your server IP address, followed by port number (for example 


4. Save your changes, then close all files except for config.yml, which you need to save as well.