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Genshin Impact next Banner update leaks

Genshin Impact next Banner update leaks

Genshin Impact next Banner update leaks


As a new event comes to an end, we can see the new banners of characters once again. However, there is a problem - they all have a different order than before. In the previous events, characters were placed according to their popularity. In this case, it is not entirely true that the most popular characters are first in line; there is also a third-place character who has been appearing more frequently since 3.0 was launched.


The reasons for this change are unclear, but it is likely due to the fact that Genshin Impact 3.0 had two phases where it was possible to get bosses from other worlds (from Evolve Battle and from Photon Arena), which means that character popularity may have changed during those two phases anyway. The Genshin Impact 3.0 update is coming and we wanted to give you a little heads-up on what to expect.


First, we'll be adding in the new 3-phase character banners and rerun leaks. This will be available for everyone right away, but only some of our players will have access to the new banner system at first. The more popular characters will appear first, but we'll be rolling them out over a period of time. The second big change is that we're moving the banner order for all of the Genshin Impact 3.0 character banners so that it matches the current order from the last set of banners that were released before this update. We originally had all three phases in sequential order, but since these are all 8-bit-style designs, it was confusing to have them mixed together like that. We hope this makes things clearer for everyone!

Finally, we're also making some minor tweaks to how you get your hands on these new items by increasing the drop rate a bit just in case there's still some demand for them after our initial release date.


Banner update leaks

On Tuesday, the Genshin Impact 3.0 update was released, but some users are reporting problems with their devices. The problem seems to be related to the banner order of the update, which is different from what leaked last week. The leak suggested that the Genshin Impact 3.0 update would have three banner cycles, but it appears that this is not true anymore. According to Android Police, a user on Reddit shared a screenshot showing that the banner order has changed and now there are only two banners in a row: "Genshin Update" and "Prepare for Update".


The first banner cycle shows a message from Google saying that there will be an update soon and that you need to download it before it's too late. The second cycle is less clear because it simply says "Download now". However, according to Android Police, it's possible that these banners have been edited by third-party software or even by Genshin itself because they were missing in the leaked version of the app last week.

Genshin Impact 3.0 is the latest update of the Genshin Impact series and is scheduled to be released in 2022. The update has been confirmed to include new content and will likely include a new banner cycle.


The Genshin Impact 3.0 banner cycle appears to have three banners instead of the usual two. The first banner cycle features four characters and their respective weapons, while the second cycle has four characters and their respective weapons again, but this time with a different design for each character's weapon. The third banner cycle features four more characters and four more weapons, but these are also divided into two groups of two similar designs for each character's weapon instead of simply having one group of two different designs for each character's weapon as seen in the previous banner cycles' banners.


Genshin Impact 3.0 update is a big deal for the Genshin community, and with good reason. It's the first major update to the game in years, and it's packed with new content and features. But there's also a distinct possibility that it could be impactful on your wallet.