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Where to find Parchments in Genshin Impact?

Where to find Parchments in Genshin Impact?

Where to find Parchments in Genshin Impact?


Genshin Impact Parchment is an item that can be purchased from the Auction House. It's a currency that you can use in order to purchase rare items from the Auction House. When you receive Genshin Impact Parchment, you will know what rarity it is; if it's common or uncommon. You will also know how much money it costs for each rarity. You can also preview the items that you want to buy before bidding on them. This feature is great because you don't have to worry about spending too much money on something that isn't worth it!


Genshin Impact Parchment is the second piece of armor you will be able to purchase at the Ark Vendor after you have unlocked the T5 and T6 armor pieces. It is available in four different colors and can be found in the Ark Vendor, Market Vendors, and Blacksmith Vendors. The first location where you will find Genshin Impact Parchment is in Ark Vendor as a blue, purple, gold or silver colored piece of armor. If you have not unlocked all of them yet then they will be blue or purple. You can also buy it from The Market if you don’t want to spend any Ark coins on it.

Another location where you can find Genshin Impact Parchment is from The Blacksmith Vendors. These vendors sell all kinds of weapons and armor but they also sell Genshin Impact Parchment for 500 Gold each! This means that if you are looking for a good deal on Genshin Impact Parchments then this is where you should go!


Unlocking the chest in the middle of the map is not easy. You will need to find all 6 Genshin Impact Parchments, which are scattered throughout the landscape of Sumeru. The location of each parchment is shown below:


1. Atop a hill at the bottom-left corner of the map.


2. On top of a tree on a hilltop across from where you need to go to unlock this chest.


3. In an alcove near where you need to go to unlock this chest.


4. In an alcove behind some rocks near where you need to go to unlock this chest.


5. Behind some rocks on your left as you head towards your goal on the right side of your screen (near where you need to go).


6. Behind some rocks on your right as you head towards your goal on the left side of your screen (near where you need to go).

Strange Parchments location

In the world of the Genshin Impact, there are many different types of monsters. Some are easy to defeat, and some are extremely difficult to kill. One of the most challenging monsters is Genshin Impact.


Genshin Impact is a type of creature that can only be found in the legendary Direnni Tower in Summerset Isle. It has a lot of health for a monster, so it requires you to use different strategies when fighting it. The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have enough health potions and healing spells on hand before taking on this monster. If not, then you will surely be killed by this creature's attacks within seconds.


Once you have enough health potions and healing spells, then it's time for you to start fighting against Genshin Impact! This creature has very powerful attacks which can deal up to 10k damage per hit if used correctly. You should avoid using any weapon or spell that deals fire damage because its attacks will reduce your health down by 30% each time they hit you when using fire weapons.


We will receive a mysterious scroll from Azura, who is currently in the Sky Realm. She has offered us a reward for finding this scroll. In order to obtain the reward, we must go to the Sky Realm and find the strange parchment that she has offered. It may be found in various places on the ground or in high places. We need to search carefully and make sure it's not overlooked!