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Genshin Impact: Statue of Seven Guide

Genshin Impact: Statue of Seven Guide

Genshin Impact: Statue of Seven Guide


The Statue of Seven is a statue that can be found in the Vanarana region. It's located on top of a mountain and requires a special item called the Genshin Impact Sumeru to unlock. The Genshin Impact Sumeru is a special item that was given to you by your friend, Shunryuu. He gave it to you after he discovered that you had no friends, but it's still not enough to unlock this statue. You need another item called the Genshin Impact Sumeru guide: How to unlock the Statue of Seven in Vanarana.


Genshin Impact Sumeru is a quest that can be obtained by speaking with the Ashura-Gami in Velika. The statue was created by the king Genshin, and it is said that it will grant wishes. The statue can be found at the base of Mount Vailo in Orzammar. The statue requires you to obtain three pieces of the Sigil Stone, which are scattered throughout Orzammar. These pieces can be found on corpses or inside containers in Orzammar. Once you have all three pieces, head back to Velika and speak with Ashura-Gami again for your reward.


The Statue of Seven is a new boss that has been added in Genshin Impact Sumeru. This boss is unlocked at level 60, and the first time you fight it, the fight will take place on a floating island. To unlock this new area, you need to reach level 50 with a character who has unlocked the statue in their home town. Once you’ve reached this level, head to the statue and speak with it, you’ll need to complete some quests before you can unlock this area for yourself.

Unlock Guide

1. First, you have to visit the "Summoning Circle" in which you can get a Summon Ticket from the monk.


2. Go to the Summoning Circle, and enter it.


3. When you are inside the circle, you will see some statues on top of each other. The statue has seven faces and one head, so you need to pay attention to them by taking screenshots of them all at once and then save them as a single image file using any image editor such as Photoshop or Gimp (which is free).


4. Then go back to your inventory screen, open up your images folder, and drag all six images into an individual folder named "Vanarana" (or whatever name you want). There should be only one image file within this folder at this point; if there's more than one, delete them all and try again until there's only one left in there.


5. Once you've done that, go back inside the Summoning Circle again, close out of your game client completely


The Vanarana is a difficult to unlock in Genshin Impact Sumeru. You can get it by using your gold coins on the statues of the seven gods in the temple. But you need to be aware of the fact that all of these statues are locked. The only way to unlock them is to use your gold coins. But if you want to save some time, here's how you can unlock them:

First, go to the temple and talk with the priestess who looks like a mermaid. She will tell you to go see her assistant at the entrance of the temple and ask him about what he knows about the statue of the seven gods. The assistant will then tell you that there is a way of unlocking them without using your gold coins.


To unlock Vanarana, go back to where the priestess was standing and talk with her again. She will give you a key that opens up all seven statues and unlocks Vanarana for you! Once all seven Vanarana are defeated, go back to Genshin Impact Sumeru and speak with him again. He will give you the statue of the Seven, which allows you to unlock Vanarana as a playable character in Genshin Impact Sumeru!