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Guide to unlock Sumeru's reputation and bounties in Genshin Impact

Guide to unlock Sumeru's reputation and bounties in Genshin Impact

Guide to unlock Sumeru's reputation and bounties in Genshin Impact

Sumeru Reputation is a new reputation system that rewards players for their involvement in the game. To unlock Sumeru reputation, you must reach level 20 and complete your first Bounty in Genshin Impact. Once you have unlocked this reputation, you will be able to choose between three different types of bounties:


The first type is the normal bounty where you need to kill an enemy with a certain weapon or outsmart them by killing them from behind or from above. The second type is the challenge bounty where you need to do something special and reach a certain level of difficulty. Finally, the last type is the special bounty which requires you to complete a certain amount of challenges before completing the bounty itself. Sumeru reputation is the reputation of Genshin Impact, and it is used to unlock bounties.


You can get the Sumeru reputation by doing the following:


1) Play Genshin Impact


2) Win a match in any mode (Win/Loss, Survival, Team Deathmatch, etc.)


3) Get at least 30 points on any match mode. The higher the difficulty level, the higher your score will be.


4) After completing step 3 above, you can see your score in the top right corner of your screen.


5) Open your profile page and go to "Bounty" tab. You will see a button saying "Sumeru Reputation" below it with an image of a mountain with clouds around it. Click that button to start earning Sumeru reputations! Sumeru is the most powerful faction in the game, so if you want to unlock them faster, then one way is to do all of their missions. However, this can be quite tedious. That's where this guide comes in handy!

Guide to unlock

This is a question that many of you asked me, and I have answered it. In this article, I will show you how to unlock Sumeru's Reputation board in Genshin Impact. Sumeru has a reputation board on the top right corner of the screen. You can see your current reputation level by looking at the icon on the left side of the screen, which means that you will be able to get more rewards from each mission after reaching higher levels. The higher your reputation level is, the more items you can get from completing missions and clearing dungeons.


You can unlock the reputation board in Genshin Impact by completing quests. The main purpose of this board is to get additional rewards and exp points. You can see the reputation board in the right corner of your screen, which will show you how many quests are available for each category. When you complete a quest, it will give you a certain amount of reputation points as well as some other rewards.


Sumeru's reputation board is the most difficult to unlock in Genshin Impact. To unlock it, you must complete all of her missions and achieve a score of at least 100 in a single mission. This will take around 200 hours of gameplay to achieve, and is not recommended for casual players as it requires a lot of skill and patience.


Guide to unlock Reputation Bounty in Sumeru.

When you reach a certain reputation level with a player, you will be able to unlock Reputation Bounty. This is a special currency that allows you to spend them on new items for your character. Reputation Bounty can be obtained by completing quests and missions or by killing other players. To get your hands on Reputation Bounty, simply click on the "Bounty" button at the bottom of the screen and choose "Reputation Bounty". Then, select the type of currency that you wish to spend it on (gold or silver).

First, you need to get a Challenge Coin from the Bounty Board. You can get one from the board by completing any of the challenges listed on it. Once you have that, head over to the Bounty Board and head over to the "Bounty" tab. Choose your challenge and click on "Accept". You'll be sent to a screen where you can choose your bounty and any rewards you want as well. Once you're done with that, head back to the board and claim your reward.