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How to enchant with Anvil in Minecraft?

How to enchant with Anvil in Minecraft?

How to enchant with Anvil in Minecraft?


In Minecraft, you can get all of your enchantments without the enchantment table. Here's how:

Start mining blocks with a pickaxe. When you mine a block, it will drop several items and some blocks. If you look at the block that dropped, there should be an enchantment icon on it. Pick up the block with the enchantment icon and put it in an inventory slot. Right click on your enchanted item in your inventory, then select "Enchant". The game will ask you if you want to use an unenchanted version of this item or if you want to enchant it with this enchantment. Select "Yes".


The game will then tell you how many levels of experience points (XP) are needed for each level of experience point (XP). For example, if you want to make a level 1 sword with +5 damage and +5 strength, then you would have 2200 XP when making this item. There are a number of methods for getting enchantments without an anvil.


Method 1: Crafting Table

The easiest way to get enchantments is by using your crafting table. You can craft enchanted books, which will grant you an enchantment effect. The most common enchantment books are the ones that grant better protection and speed, such as the Furnace Book and the Pickaxe Book. You can also craft enchanted armor, which will give you a certain amount of armor points.


Method 2: Enchanted books


Another method is to use enchanted books on your tools or armor. If you have an anvil, then you can use an enchanted book on it to get a better enchantment than what you would normally get from it without any enchantments. The same goes for swords and bows. An enchanted bow will give you more shots than if it were unenchanted and an enchanted sword will be more powerful than one that was unenchanted.

Enchanting with Anvil

The Anvil is a very versatile tool. It is used to craft almost any item in Minecraft, including enchantments. The Anvil is also useful for making armor and tools, as well as for repairing items. When you are crafting an enchantment, it must be placed on the Enchantment Table. You can place up to three enchantments at a time on the table. For example, if you want to make a protection enchantment and another one that increases your speed, place them both on the table. Once these are placed on the table, they will stay there until you remove them or until they are destroyed by an explosion or other mishap.


To use an enchantment, click on it with your mouse and drag it out of your inventory onto an item that has been enchanted with an Anvil. This will cause the enchantment to be added to that item's effect list and appear under "Effects" when you hover over it with your cursor. Anvils have a lot of uses in Minecraft, but one of the most interesting is crafting enchantments. You can use it to create powerful enchantments that can be used on any item or block in your inventory.


The recipe for crafting an enchantment is simple: place an empty bookshelf on top of an anvil and then right-click it with an empty book. This will cause you to create an enchantment at the cost of 3 experience levels (1 level per experience point) and 1 hunger point (1 point per hunger point).

Once created, this enchantment will allow you to attach another enchantment to any item or block in your inventory by placing it on top of the enchanted item or block.  You can even add multiple enchantments to one item using multiple bookshelves but this will cost more experience levels (up to 5) and potentially more hunger points as well (up to 1).


The Anvil is an item in the game Minecraft that can be used to craft many different things. The Anvil is a block that can be placed in the world, but it must be powered by the player. When you place an anvil in a crafting table, it will automatically begin working on the item you're trying to craft.