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Tips to bounce on Separate Crashpads in Fortnite

Tips to bounce on Separate Crashpads in Fortnite

Tips to bounce on Separate Crashpads in Fortnite

If you've ever played Fortnite, you know that the game is full of fun and excitement. You can jump off of cliffs, swim through shallow waters, and even fly through the air. But if you're like me, you also love to play with physics in your games. Here's how to bounce on 3 different Crash Pads without landing:


First, look at where the Crash Pad is located. If it's on a cliff or mountain peak, use a glider to float up there. If it's under ground in a cave or large hole in the earth, jump from there instead (this will work for most platforms).


Once you reach the top of whatever platform it is you want to bounce off of, move back down so that you're below it (about halfway down) and then do a backflip backwards off of it. This will knock you into the air and make it look like you were just bouncing off of something else entirely (which is what we want). The last thing you want to do when playing Fortnite is die. That's why it's important to know how to bounce on Crash Pads without landing.


Crash Pads are one of the most common locations in Fortnite, and they're used for a variety of different purposes. Some players will use them as cover from enemies, while others will use them to quickly reach their destination. The latter is what we'll be focusing on today.


If you've ever been on the receiving end of a mid-air explosion, then you'll know that these things can be dangerous. Not only does it damage your body, but it also makes it so that you can't land safely until after your opponent has taken some shots at you.

Thankfully there's an easy way around this problem: bouncing off the back of a Crash Pad! To do this though, you need to get close enough so that there isn't enough space between you and the ground before hitting it with your feet or head (or even both).


Complete Guide

This guide will show you how to bounce on three separate crash pads without landing in Fortnite Chapter 3! This is a super simple guide, but it’s definitely still worth it. You can easily get 200 Battle Stars and 2,000 XP if you follow this guide correctly!


Step 1: Go to the Crash Pad in your Battle Royale game and hit it with a melee weapon. If you don’t have one, just hold down R1 or RB on Xbox One or L1 or LT on PS4 and tap the jump button.


Step 2: Once you make contact with the crash pad, hold down R1 or RB on Xbox One or L1 or LT on PS4 and tap Jump again. You’ll be launched into the air again! This time, just wait for your character to land on top of another crash pad before jumping off again.


Step 3: Keep doing this until you reach 20 consecutive jumps without landing on an obstacle. If you do happen to land on an obstacle during this time frame, just repeat steps 1 through 4 until you reach 20 consecutive jumps without landing

The first method is to bounce on three different Crash Pads in a row. Each bounce will cause you to lose your shield, so you'll need to bounce off the first pad and then immediately bounce on the second pad before landing on the third pad. The third time you land, it will count as one bounce and you'll have used up all three pads.


The second method is to rapidly tap B while falling through the air without touching a Crash Pad at all. This will cause you to fall faster than usual and subsequently bounce higher than usual; it's not possible to do this while using a glider or wingsuit, but it is possible with other types of movement controls. To make things even easier, simply jump off of a ledge while bouncing in mid-air and you'll immediately start bouncing again without having to touch any pads at all