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Guide to unlock Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact

Guide to unlock Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact

Guide to unlock Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact

 The Golden Apple Archipelago is a unique area in Genshin Impact. It is unlocked at level 40 and has five levels, with each level having its own theme. The last level is called "Garden of Eden", which requires you to defeat the boss. Here's how to unlock it.


Step 1: Complete the main story


You will have to complete the main story mode before accessing this area. You'll find it in Chapter 2, where you'll have to collect 100 apples from shrubs and trees scattered across your world map. After collecting all 100 apples, go back to town and talk to a man standing next to a big tree near the shrine. He'll give you the key item for this area – the Golden Apple Key – which opens up all locked doors in your world map.


Step 2: Complete all five levels in this area


Once you have that key item, head over to your world map and use it on each of its locked doors until they're all open and ready for exploration!

Genshin Impact 2.8 guide: How to unlock Golden Apple Archipelago- In Detail

Unlock all the maps in the game and you will be able to access the Golden Apple Archipelago. This is a map that can only be unlocked after completing all other maps in the game.


The Golden Apple Archipelago is one of the most challenging maps in Genshin Impact 2.8. It features a lot of powerful bosses and tough enemies that require skillful gameplay to beat them. If you want to unlock this map, you will have to complete all other maps before you can enter it.


In order to unlock this map, you must complete all other maps inside Genshin Impact 2.8 first. Once you do that, you will be able to access the Golden Apple Archipelago which is one of the most challenging maps in Genshin Impact 2.8.


 The Golden Apple Archipelago is a map in Genshin Impact 2.8, and it's unlocked by beating the game on easy difficulty. If you want to unlock this map, here's how: Unlock all chapters in one playthrough without restarting levels. You'll have to replay most levels from scratch, so don't worry about that too much.


In each stage, make sure to let your character die and then revive him before moving on to the next stage (you can do this by pressing R2 when prompted). This will allow you to get more coins from checkpoints, which are required for maxing out your characters' stats.


When you're ready to go for gold, complete every level in one go. The easiest way is probably just to play through each level using only the default controls (L1+R1), but if you want more freedom with your movements then try setting up some custom controls with XBOX Live's "Vibration" option enabled.


 If you’re a fan of the Genshin Impact series, then you know that unlocking Golden Apple Archipelago is one of the hardest challenges in this game.

The new area is based off the real world location of Hong Kong and it’s filled with many references to Asian culture and history. This includes some Easter eggs for those who are familiar with Japanese culture or history. This guide will show you how to unlock Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact 2.8: The Next Generation!


 Genshin Impact 2.8 guide: How to unlock Golden Apple Archipelago- In Detail

1) Complete the story mode of Genshin Impact 2.8!


2) To get the new mission, you have to complete the story mode of Genshin Impact 2.8 in order to unlock it.


3) After that, go back and play through the story mode again and complete another mission!


4) The extra mission will now appear in your map and can be accessed by going through the main menu and selecting "Unlock New Mission"