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Guide to get Side by Side Emblem in Destiny 2

Guide to get Side by Side Emblem in Destiny 2

Guide to get Side by Side Emblem in Destiny 2

The Side by Side Emblem is a rare emblem in Destiny 2 (2022). It's only available as a drop from the Weekly Heroic Strike, but you can also purchase it from the Gunsmith for 250 Legendary Marks.


The Side by Side Emblem is one of the most sought-after emblems in Destiny 2 (2022), and it's not easy to get one. You'll need to complete your first Heroic Strike and then play through another full Heroic Strike. If you're having trouble completing this step, check out our guide on how to beat the Weekly Heroic Strike.


Once you've completed your first Heroic Strike, head back over to Crucible Quartermaster and talk to him again. He'll now offer you a choice between two different rewards: a random legendary weapon or an item called "Side By Side." If you choose "Side By Side," you'll receive a random legendary weapon instead of the side-by-side emblem itself. The Side by Side emblem is a very rare emblem that you can only get from certain activities in Destiny 2. The side by side emblems are used by the Guardians to show their affiliation with the Red Legion group.


In order to get this emblem, you need to do several activities that will help you earn XP, Reputation and Glory. If you're looking for another way to obtain these emblems then check out our guide below which will help you find them all!


 The Side by Side emblem is a new emblem in Destiny 2 that rewards players who play with their friends. The emblem can be earned by completing multiplayer matches and by earning XP after each match. The Side by Side emblem is available to all players on the same team, regardless of skill level or rank. As long as you have at least one other person on your team, you'll receive the emblem.


To get the Side by Side emblem, you must complete three multiplayer matches with a group of people who know what they're doing. The game will track your progress, so you can see how many matches need to be played before receiving the reward.


The first time you get this emblem, it will be Level 1. Every time you earn XP from playing with friends, it will increase in level until it reaches Level 5 eventually. Once it reaches Level 5, every player on your team will be able to use this emblem until it runs out of energy or falls off.


Steps to acquire the Side by Side emblem in Destiny 2


 Acquiring the Side by Side emblem in Destiny 2 is a simple process. All you need to do is head to the Tower and find the Emblem Vendor. The vendor can be found at the top of the tower, near Cayde-6. He will ask you to go to your inventory and select an emblem that contains "Side by Side" in its description.


Once you've selected a piece of gear with "Side by Side" in its description, you'll need to equip it and then speak to him again. He'll ask you to pick another piece of gear with "Side by Side" in its description, and so on until he has all four pieces of gear in his inventory.


 The Side by Side emblem is a reward for completing the quest "A Place in the Sun". It's located in the Tower, and has a req level of 280. This emblem can be obtained by playing Crucible matches on Earth, Moon, or Mars. You can also get it from playing Trials of the Nine on Earth or Moon.


To get this emblem, you will need to complete the following steps:


1. Complete the quest "A Place in the Sun".


2. Go to any playlist that has Crucible mode enabled (this will be any playlist with Crucible mode enabled). You should see an icon next to your Guardian's name that looks like this: . This is telling you that there are matches available for you to play! Now just find one and join it!


3. Once you're in a match, go into your inventory and select the Side by Side emble