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Testing Minecraft 1.19 myths

Testing Minecraft 1.19 myths

Testing Minecraft 1.19 myths


Minecraft has a colourful and vibrant community made up of players from all over the world and from all different walks of life. One thing that brings us together is our mutual enjoyment of Minecraft. This can cross different cultures and nationalities and we often share valuable information when dealing with certain situations in our lives, whether it be advice on how to build the biggest parkour course, or how to discover underutilized features in Minecraft 1.19.


Minecraft is one of the latest craze in the world of computer games. Minecraft's game environment is a 3D-box, where players can build any kind of construction they can imagine using building blocks. Here are ten common myths that people may have about this game and their rebuttals.


Gameplay myths that have been established by the Minecraft community

1) Witches and the Warden's Sonic Boom

Witches are one of the most common mobs in Minecraft, appearing in every biome other than those with snow cover. They spawn mainly at night and will burn in sunlight. One of the most common misconceptions about witches is that they have a poisonous sting and their appearance can hint at the type of poison they are carrying (if any). However, in reality, both of these qualities are lies. Firstly, witches do not carry any kind of poison as it would be useless; every witch is a male. In addition to this fact, witches do not technically have a stinger; they have no organs to emit venom or toxins. The reason why these creatures fly despite lacking any means of propulsion (wings) is pure magic.


2) Ancient City Ice Rooms

This is actually just a myth. You can build in all areas of the Ancient City, including the ice rooms, and they will not be affected by this update. The only exception to this is if you have your own house built on top of them, in which case you will lose access to them until you demolish your house and rebuild it somewhere else. The Ancient City Ice Rooms are one of the most popular myths in Minecraft. It’s true that there is an ice room at the Ancient City, but it is not a myth. : This is not true. The Ice Tower has no effect on the Ice Room, so you can walk through it without breaking it down. All you need to do is craft a ladder, put it on your wall, and climb up.


3) The Warden and Azalea Bushes

The Azalea bush myth is another one that surrounds Minecraft 1.19 and its new update. It has been said that the azalea bush will grow into a tree after being planted for a certain amount of time. This isn't true either; however, it does take about 24 hours for the bush to grow into a fully-grown tree. The first myth is that the Warden and Azalea Bushes are one in the same. The Warden tree is used in Minecraft to protect your crops, and it also provides you with wood and fruit when harvested. The Azalea bush however, isn't really used for anything except decoration. It looks nice but isn't something that is needed for survival in Minecraft 1.19.

4) Personal Allays cannot be harmed by players

Personal allays cannot be harmed by players/items, unless they try to destroy them or break them. This is a false belief that has spread among players in Minecraft. However, it's not true at all. You can harm your personal allays by just shooting them with any type of weapon or even explosives such as TNT or creepers. This also applies to villagers and other mobs as well! The blocks and entities in Minecraft are not limitless. They have a finite number of hit points, just like you do. 


5) Frogs can't jump on Honey blocks

Frogs are the kings of jumping, and they have no problem jumping on a honey block. However, it's not as simple as a frog hopping onto the block and then walking on top of it.

Frogs need to stand on top of the block for a short period of time before they're able to jump onto it. It's possible to do this by placing a block underneath the honey block and then standing on top of it until you get back up again. Once you've done that, the camera will shift down so that you can see your frog sitting on top of the block.