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Guide to get Drang in Destiny 2

Guide to get Drang in Destiny 2

Guide to get Drang in Destiny 2


Drang's an Exotic sidearm that was introduced to Destiny 2 with the Season of the Haunted. This weapon is a hand cannon, meaning this gun can be used to deal high damage at a close range, unlike other sidearms. It's also a much sought after weapon because it's one of two God Roll weapons in Destiny 2—the other being Merciless. If you're looking for Drang, there are some ways to obtain it that go beyond just getting lucky with a drop from a Nightfall strike or from Xur each weekend (although both of those are extremely likely methods of obtaining it). 


While exploring the new seasonal event of the Haunted Forest in Destiny 2, I stumbled upon an amazing sidearm called Drang. It's a fully automatic (auto) pulse rifle with excellent sighted accuracy, elevated rate of fire, and high impact. If you're a pulse rifle enthusiast like me, you'll love this weapon. 



Obtaining the Drang (Baroque) in Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted

 While I have a decent understanding of Destiny 2's core gameplay loop and the way each weapon/class combo plays, it was not until recently that I began to understand the metagame. The metagame is a term used in video games to describe the underlying mechanisms that determine how the game works. In Destiny 2, the metagame determines how you obtain weapons and gear.


1) Crafting the Drang (Baroque) Sidearm

 The Drang is a sidearm in Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted, and it has a lot in common with the Obtaining the Drang quest. Both are difficult to come by, and both require their own special set of crafting materials. The Drang is available as a drop from the Haunted Forest Strike and requires an Exotic Shard, a Radiolarian Culture, and a few other lesser materials.


This sidearm is also capable of being upgraded to the max power level of 300 and can be infused with Masterwork cores, which allows for some powerful weapon combinations. Just like players can customize their armour loadouts, they can choose what weapon combinations work best for them. When you find that perfect combination, you'll be more than ready for whatever comes your way in the Haunted Forest.



2) Accessing Opulent Chests

“Obtaining the Drang” is an exotic pulse rifle (and yes, it has a real name) that was introduced in Destiny 2's recent “Season of the Haunted” event. It's available exclusively from a special type of loot chest called an “opulent chest” (which, by the way, also has a real name). Chests like that are usually earned from completing bounty quests and are located in several different spots across the game's four locations: Earth, Titan, Io and Nessus.


 The Drang is an Exotic pulse rifle in Destiny 2 that has been a long-sought prize by Guardians. It's been outclassed as of late, in terms of usefulness, by some other Exotic weapons that came out after it (some like Thorn, which can't be gotten anymore). But there's a way to obtain the Drang by using a chest called the Opulent Chest and working with your clan.


3) Through Umbral Engrams

For the past decade, the gaming world has been dominated by a series of titles created by Bungie Studios. Destiny 1 was a game that focused on a player's individual capability to overcome challenges and their own personal growth as a player. The sequel, Destiny 2 is more focused on a player's connection with their fire teams and overall ability to grow as an online community. Destiny 2 also has an in-game currency system that uses Tokens and Bright Dust as ways to increase one's power level over time.


If you're a Destiny 2 player in the middle of Season of the Haunted, you may be wondering how to get your hands on some new Drang (Baroque) gear. Drang gear is one of the four new weapon/armor sets coming out with Destiny 2: Forsaken, and can be obtained in two ways: either through Gambit Prime or through the Season of the Haunted event. The latter is easier than the former for several reasons: there's no limit on how many times you can open an Umbral Engram, and it's less RNG-based. In other words, there's no way you'll get an item from the new set if you don't have an engram.