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Unknown facts about Minecraft Wandering Traders

Unknown facts about Minecraft Wandering Traders

Unknown facts about Minecraft Wandering Traders


Minecraft has a lot of mobs which play an important role in the game some way or the other. Nothing is introduced to the game without any use to the players. Villagers are among one of those mobs in the game from which the players would be able to perform trades. However there is one more mob in the Overworld from which the players would be able to trade useful goods and use them to get the game completed without much efforts. Wandering Traders are one of the most frustrating mobs present in the game and most of the times, players even wonder why these characters have been added to the game. These are the mobs which occur out of nowhere in front of the players with their costly and less beneficial trades.

However, there are a few chances that the players find some Wandering Traders which provide them great trade opportunities. But most of the times, the trade offered by them are useless like 5 emerald for a total of 20 wheat. Because of this reason, the players often consider them as one of the most weird and useless mobs in the game. There are many things which the players do not know about these mobs and here we would be having a look at those things only. So, some unknown facts which the players do not know about Wandering Traders are as follows-



Many players consider that Wandering Traders are the most useless creatures in the game as it is not beneficial to trade with them. But the players would be able to take out one advantage from these mobs which is rare to be found in the game. When the players would have killed the Wandering Trader and both of the Llamas which they carry with them, the players would be getting a total of two leads. And if you are a Minecraft veteran, then you would be aware that Leads are one of the rarest items to be found in the game.


Mangrove Propagules

The players are waiting for the developers to officially launch the version 1.19 update and the developers have yet not provided any official release date so far. Still many of the players and content creators have accessed the new things of the update and are aware what would be available for them through the Beta version. The developers would be adding a new biome to the game which is known as the Mangrove Biome. Mangrove Propagules would be the non solid blocks which grow into Mangrove tree and these blocks would be a part of the trade inventories which can be found at the Wandering Trader.



Players think that the Wandering Traders spawn too often in the game as they occur out of nowhere in our worlds. Sometimes we find them in the middle of the ocean and the other times, they are even inside our homes when we are building the same. However, if we have a look at the Minecraft Wiki, it reveals that the Wandering Traders can only be spawned in one loaded chunk in the game. This also goes the same for the Multiplayer World's.


Players have been experiencing the Wandering Traders for a long time in the game and have no idea how long it has been since they have not spent a day without encountering them. But a few players know about those days when the developers had not launched the same to the game. Wandering Traders were first introduced to the game in the version 1.14 Villages and Pillages update. In this update, the developers made some improvements to the villages and gave a revamp to these structures. But along with that, they also introduced the Wandering Traders to the game. Ever since they have been launched to the game, the players are demanding the developers to put down the trade costs of the Wandering Traders so that the players can trade in the game easily.