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Things players can buy from Buy Station in Warzone 2.0

Things players can buy from Buy Station in Warzone 2.0

Things players can buy from Buy Station in Warzone 2.0


Players can obtain standard weapons, such as Assault Rifles, Shotguns and Sniper Rifles. Players can purchase these weapons with credits that they earn from completing challenges in the game or by purchasing them with in-game currency called credits. Weapons are also purchasable with real money. Players who purchase weapons will also receive access to a special weapon skin for each weapon (excluding assault rifles). These skins can be unlocked by purchasing the specific skin for a specific weapon or by completing certain challenges within the game.


The new Buy Station in Warzone 2.0 is a great way to get new gear, skins and other items. With the new system you can now buy anything from the station with in-game currency or real money. Warzone 2.0 has many different kinds of items that you can purchase from the Buy Station. These include everything from weapon skins to permanent stat changes for your character. You can also purchase boosts that will help you level up faster or get more loot drops when killing enemies.


There are three types of boosts available:


Level Boosts - Increases your experience gain by a certain amount each time you level up; usually 10%-15%.

Item Boosts - Increases the likelihood of getting good items during combat; usually 50% or more than normal.


Loot Boosts - Increases the amount of loot dropped by enemies; usually 5% over normal or 10%-15%.


All the available things at Buy Station

The list below is a complete and exhaustive list of everything you can purchase from Buy Stations in Warzone 2.0.


Weapons - The most basic enemies in the game, these are your run-of-the-mill weapons that consist of pistols, rifles, submachine guns and assault rifles. They are all fairly powerful but have different ranges and speeds when firing.


Armor - Armor offers bonuses to your health and defense stats as well as reducing the damage you take from enemy fire. There are two types of armor: light and heavy. Heavy armor has more health than light armor but weighs you down considerably while you're wearing it.


Helmets - Helmets offer bonuses to your skills like accuracy and movement speed while also reducing the amount of damage you take from enemy fire by a large amount. There are two types of helmets: standard and special ops. Special ops helmets can only be found at certain locations during missions while standard helmets can be purchased at any time via buy stations after completing a mission or doing some other task related to said mission (such as killing an enemy).


Gunsights - Gunsights make your gun easier to aim in certain situations such as when jumping over obstacles or when moving around corners quickly without being detected by enemies nearby.


Equipment Points (EP)


Each weapon has two types of equipment slots: one for sights and one for attachments, such as silencers or scopes. Each slot costs 25 EP per level of the weapon (1st-15th). For example, weapons that cost 200 EP all come with two attachment slots that cost 25 EP each (200 EP + 50 EP = 250 EP). If a weapon has both an attachment slot and a sight slot, then it comes with three total slots: one sight slot and two attachment slots (250 EP + 25 EP = 275 EP).

The first thing you'll want to do is open the Store tab. After you've done that, there are a few things to note:


You can only buy one item at a time. If you want to purchase another item after you've bought one, there will be a wait time before you can.


You can't purchase items that are currently in the queue (i.e., they're not available). The cost of an item is displayed when it's first purchased. You can then click it again to see the price increase or decrease if it goes up or down in value over time (i.e., new weapons).


If there are no items available for purchase, it will show as "No Items."