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Guide to unlock Moira in Overwatch 2

Guide to unlock Moira in Overwatch 2

Guide to unlock Moira in Overwatch 2

Moira is a support hero with abilities that deal damage over time. In other words, she's a healer, but she doesn't heal like Mercy or Zenyatta. Her healing is slower and more targeted at specific targets. Her primary attack is a beam that deals damage over time (DOT) to an enemy or ally and heals Moira for the damage it takes. She also has a secondary ability called "Stoneskin" that passively regenerates health over time.


Moira's ultimate ability is called "Biotic Grasp," which allows her to pull enemies toward her allies within range of her beam or stoneskin. This ability can be used offensively or defensively, depending on which side you're playing on. It can also be used as an escape tool if you're surrounded by enemies who are trying to kill you. The ability to play as Moira is locked away behind a level requirement. But don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. Here’s how to unlock Moira in Overwatch 2: Abilities, class, and more explained.


Moira is a versatile support character that can be played in many different roles. With her abilities and her kit, she can provide healing and crowd control for your team. She can also use her abilities to deal damage or protect herself from attacks by using barriers or shields. Moira is a support hero in Overwatch. She has the ability to charge allies with medical energy and make herself and her allies more resilient to damage.

Moira's passive ability, Coalescence, gives her allies a shield that lasts as long as they are within her range. When Moira uses her movement ability, Infuse, she can also give one of her allies a shield that will remain active until it expires naturally or is removed. Moira's ultimate ability is Transcendence. In this state, Moira enters into a trance where she becomes immune to damage and gains access to all of her abilities.


Unlocking Moira

There are many different ways to unlock Moira in Overwatch 2, but the easiest way is to buy her for $4.99USD. This is the same price as buying a character pack, but it includes all future heroes and skins that are released. If you want to unlock her early, you can also get her for free through playing matches in ranked play or in Quick Play mode.


If you want to unlock Moira before buying her, you will need to play enough matches on each map to earn a tier reward. Each tier requires playing at least five games on any given map, so if you don't have enough time left over after completing your first five tiers, it is best to wait until after they expire before playing more matches on that map again.


Once you have completed your first five tiers and unlocked Moira by playing enough matches on each map, she will become available for purchase from the shop screen. Moira is one of the characters in Overwatch who has been updated significantly since the game's launch. Most recently, she was buffed to be more competitively viable in competitive mode.

Her new passive ability allows her to heal her teammates at a faster rate than before, while her ultimate ability can be used on a long range target and deals massive damage. Moira is a support character who excels at healing and resurrecting allies, but she's also good at dealing damage from afar with her abilities. The latest patch has made her even more powerful than before, so it's time for you to unlock this character for free.


Moira is a support hero in Overwatch. She's the daughter of Dr. Harold Finch and his wife, who was killed by a terrorist cell. Moira has powers that allow her to repair damaged tissue, heal wounds, and even predict the future through her omni-tool. Moira's kit revolves around healing and movement speed bonuses, but she can also use her omni-tool to cast healing beams on allies or deal damage over time by launching orbs of energy.