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Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast

Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast

Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast

Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast


Cheat mode:

To enable cheats, while playing a game, bring down the console

with [Shift + ~] and type: "HelpUsObi 1". You can then enter any

of the following codes in the console


Code Result


g_dismemberment 5 - Self-explanatory

HelpUsObi 1 - Enables cheats

god - God mode

noclip - Walk through walls

notarget - Enemies ignore you

kill - Kill yourself

give all - All weapons + max stats

give health - Full health

give armor - Full armor

give ammo - Full ammo

give force - Full force

give inventory - Full inventory

give batteries - Full battery bar

give weaponnum [1-13] - Gives you the weapon with that #

victory - Plays a sound

g_speed - Adjust speed

undying - 999 health and Undead mode

Seaview's - Unknown

level shot - Unknown

taunt - Kyle rolls the weapon in his hand

timescale - You can change time

cinematic - Watch all cinematics (See List Below)

cg_drawCrosshair [1-9] - Gives you crosshair with that #

cg_drawTimer 1 - Show how many time you played

drive_atst - Drive an ATST machine

npc spawn [character] - Spawns a character (See List Below)

npc kill all - Kills all npc on the level

npc show bounds - Shows bounding boxes

npc score - Prints number of kills

setforceall [1,2,3] - Sets force powers to that level

screenshot - Screenshot with console

g_debugDamage 1 - Shows how many damage player gets

fly_xwing - Fly an X-wing fighter

mapname - Prints a map name

setmindtrick 4 - Jedi Mind Trick

map - Go to Level (See List Below)

saber color - Your saber replace color (See List Below)

g_saberRealisticCombat 1 - You can chop off any body parts

npc spawn shadow trooper - Use this cheat to bring an elite clone force user, he is

partly invisible and contains a force stone which regenerats

force instantly.