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Best Burst Damage characters in Genshin Impact

Best Burst Damage characters in Genshin Impact

Best Burst Damage characters in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is one of the most popular games all over the world. The developers have made the game so diverse that now it is difficult for the players to be bored while playing the game. Every time when they open the game, they find out something new which keeps them interested towards the game. Due to this reason, Genshin Impact has also been the top grossing games all over the world for a long time. There are many characters which the players can unlock in the game and these characters have some qualities which make them unique from each other.

All of the characters have different damage ranges, damage points and much more. So, this often makes the players confused regarding which of these characters would be the best for their use. Burst damage is known to be the most effective damage which is done by the characters. The main reason behind the same is that the accuracy is increased in Burst damage. But unfortunately, not all the characters have burst damage in them. Here we would be having a look at the characters who deal the highest burst damage in the game.


Mona is probably the best character which the players could get if they want to get the most of the burst damage. This character is a 5 star character known to be the Hydro Catalyst. Many players have put Mona in their deck and love the burst damage which it deals. Along with that, her elemental damage helps the players to weaken the enemies within a few seconds. This would further help the players to take down fights against the enemies without any issues. Also, the debuffs which it provides to the enemies is enough to provide a big advantage to the players during the game.


We cannot forget Childe whenever it comes to dealing burst damage in the game. He is also known to be the youngest Fatui Harbinger of the game and also it is a 5 star bow character who deals terrible burst damage. He is capable to defeat a number of enemies within a few seconds due to which players prefer using it much more. His elemental skills help him to create the Hydro Blades which helps the players to deal ranged attacks along with normal attacks also. Along with that, the burst damage which he deals is high in both ranged and melee.  


If you are looking forward to have a good support character for your other main characters, then Zhongli could be the best choice for you. He is capable to provide shields to the other characters of its’ own team which helps to put down the damage which would be dealt by the enemies. There are many different types of roles which this character can take during the fights as most of his skills are related to the maximum health. Therefore, his burst damage will also provide a major help to the players while taking down the fights.

Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun is probably the most used characters in the game till now. Many players even compare it with the Geo Archon but it is better than Geo Archon is many aspects. Raiden Shogun is capable to deal a lot of damage through the first hit of her Elemental Burst. But, that is not the place where it gets over. Her elemental burst is not that strong when it is compared with the Electro Damage which is dealt by the character. When the players would have upgraded it to level 10, it would deal a damage of 792% in the first hit.

Hu Tao

This character belongs to the same category of character in which Zhongli belongs to. Therefore, he is also a 5-star Pyro character who is capable to deal massive burst damage to the enemies. Along with that, its elemental burst has the power to deal Nuke damage which is way too effective over the enemies. Players have even started making deadly combinations with the same to ensure that they are able to take out the win within a few minutes.